Publications by Keith Goldfeld
Can ChatGPT help construct non-trivial statistical models? An example with Bayesian “random” splines
I’ve been curious to see how helpful ChatGPT can be for implementing relatively complicated models in R. About two years ago, I described a model for estimating a treatment effect in a cluster-randomized stepped wedge trial. We used a generalized additive model (GAM) with site-specific splines to account for general time trends, implemented using...
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An IV study design to estimate an effect size when randomization is not ethical
An investigator I frequently consult with seeks to estimate the effect of a palliative care treatment protocol for patients nearing end-stage disease, compared to a more standard, though potentially overly burdensome, therapeutic approach. Ideally, we would conduct a two-arm randomized clinical trial (RCT) to create comparable groups and obtain an ...
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Generating binary data by specifying the relative risk, with simulations
The most traditional approach for analyzing binary outcome data is logistic regression, where the estimated parameters are interpreted as log odds ratios or, if exponentiated, as odds ratios (ORs). No one other than statisticians (and maybe not even statisticians) finds the odds ratio to be a very intuitive statistic, and many feel that a risk diff...
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simstudy: another way to generate data from a non-standard density
One of my goals for the simstudy package is to make it as easy as possible to generate data from a wide range of data distributions. The recent update created the possibility of generating data from a customized distribution specified in a user-defined function. Last week, I added two functions, genDataDist and addDataDist, that allow data generati...
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simstudy 0.8.0: customized distributions
Over the past few years, a number of folks have asked if simstudy accommodates customized distributions. There’s been interest in truncated, zero-inflated, or even more standard distributions that haven’t been implemented in simstudy. While I’ve come up with approaches for some of the specific cases, I was never able to develop a general solu...
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simstudy enhancement: specifying idiosyncratic follow-up times for longitudinal data
A researcher reached out to me a few weeks ago. They were trying to generate longitudinal data that included irregularly spaced follow-up periods. The default periods generated by the function addPeriods in the simstudy package are \(\{0, 1, 2, …, n – 1\}\), where there are \(n\) total periods. However, when follow-up periods required more spec...
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Perfectly balanced treatment arm distribution in a multifactorial CRT using stratified randomization
Over two years ago, I wrote a series of posts (starting here) that described possible analytic approaches for a proposed cluster-randomized trial with a factorial design. That proposal was recently funded by NIA/NIH, and now the Emergency departments leading the transformation of Alzheimer’s and dementia care (ED-LEAD) trial is just getting under...
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A three-arm trial using two-step randomization
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) tools are systems created to support clinical decision-making. Health care professionals using these tools can get guidance about diagnostic and treatment options when providing care to a patient. I’m currently involved with designing a trial focused on comparing a standard CDS tool with an enhanced version (CDS+)....
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Creating a nice looking Table 1 with standardized mean differences
I’m in the middle of a perfect storm, winding down three randomized clinical trials (RCTs), with patient recruitment long finished and data collection all wrapped up. This means a lot of data analysis, presentation prep, and paper writing (and not so much blogging). One common (and not so glamorous) thread cutting across all of these RCTs is the ...
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Finding logistic models to generate data with desired risk ratio, risk difference and AUC profiles
About two years ago, someone inquired whether simstudy had the functionality to generate data from a logistic model with a specific AUC. It did not, but now it does, thanks to a paper by Peter Austin that describes a nice algorithm to accomplish this. The paper actually describes a series of related algorithms for generating coefficients that targe...
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