Publications by Juan Steibel
Analysis of Capsid AHFR datasets prepare all packages library(tidyverse) library(readxl) library(lsmeans) library(lme4) library(ggplot2) library(lmerTest) setwd("C:/Users/marti/OneDrive/Documents/andras/AHFR/") Load data for AFHR and represent in a graphic Read data and show graphics dts<-read_xlsx("Fluorophotometry organized data -VR_min...
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Diopter analyses
Analysis of Refraction (diopters) datasets library(tidyverse) library(readxl) library(lsmeans) library(lme4) library(ggplot2) library(lmerTest) setwd("C:/Users/marti/OneDrive/Documents/andras/AHFR/") Load data for Refraction, use graphics to summarize Read data and show graphics dts<-read_xlsx("Refraction and closest AScan for stats 5-4-20...
854 sym R (11726 sym/56 pcs) 3 img
Analysis of Ripasudil dataset library(tidyverse) library(readxl) library(lubridate) library(broom) library(lsmeans) library(lme4) library(ggplot2) library(lmerTest) library(DT) setwd("C:/Users/marti/OneDrive/Documents/andras/Ripasudil/") Load data, use graphics and tables to summarize Read data and show graphics dts<-read_xlsx("Ripasudi...
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Covid risk and vaccination
County level scores vs % of population fully vaccinated The risk scores are computed on the basis of: Daily new cases (incidence), Infection rate, positive test rate. Details can be found here: State level metrics and % of population fully vaccinated I selected a metrics related to outcomes o...
555 sym R (122 sym/2 pcs) 3 img
Another estimation of hen height
How to estimate the heigh and area occupied by a (wing flapping) hen First we need define the ROI and height threshold for a hen (not explained here) ROI<-list(330:530,150:340) threshold_hen<-2.42 dir<-"F:/Tessa_hen/Dec 2 2021/Hen88Crate2" image processing You can also embed plots, for example: setwd(dir) ll<-list.files(pattern = "*.csv") le...
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height hen
How to estimate the heigh and area occupied by a (wing flapping) hen First we need define the ROI and height threshold for a hen (not explained here) ROI<-list(330:530,150:340) threshold_hen<-2.42 dir<-"F:/Tessa_hen/Dec 2 2021/Hen89Crate3Again" image processing You can also embed plots, for example: setwd(dir) ll<-list.files(pattern = "*.csv"...
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Hen example 1
How to estimate the heigh and area occupied by a (wing flapping) hen First we need define the ROI and height threshold for a hen (not explained here) ROI<-list(330:530,150:340) threshold_hen<-2.42 dir<-"F:/Tessa_hen/Dec 2 2021/Hen89Crate3" image processing You can also embed plots, for example: setwd(dir) ll<-list.files(pattern = "*.csv") le...
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Hen height example
How to estimate the heigh and area occupied by a (wing flapping) hen First we need define the ROI and height threshold for a hen (not explained here) ROI<-list(330:530,150:340) threshold_hen<-2.42 dir<-"F:/Tessa_hen/Dec 2 2021/Hen88Crate2Again" image processing You can also embed plots, for example: setwd(dir) ll<-list.files(pattern = "*.csv"...
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Dyadic data analysis
library(rstan) library(bayesplot) library(ggplot2) Exploratory data analysis This data involves dyadic interactions between group housed pigs, quantified in seconds trhough video decoding by trained observers. load("dyad_data_new.RData") ggplot(dyad_data,aes(x=nursery,y=y))+geom_boxplot()+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log10')+ ggtitle("lo...
2189 sym R (15966 sym/98 pcs) 44 img