Publications by Juan Steibel



##sample metadata The metadata has some animal information, here we only present a few variables meta_data ## # A tibble: 794 x 7 ## Animal Sex Rep Finisher_Wt Finisher_Pen Finisher_Post_F~ ## <dbl> <chr> <fct> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> ## 1 107 g 2 52 11_2 3.37 ## 2 85 ...

2335 sym R (13220 sym/60 pcs) 6 img

Analysis of extra variables


This is an analysis of significance for extra measurements in affected dogs The characteristics of this dataset are: 1) small number of dogs (n=4) and small number of repeated measures: (N=4-7) at different timepoints. The main goal is to perform a mixed model analysis to test the hypothesis of interaction of time and treatment while accounting f...

1020 sym R (34392 sym/211 pcs)

Significance analysis of CT


Setup packages, please skip to the next section ## -- Attaching packages ------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.0 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3 v dplyr 0.8.5 ## v tidyr 1.0.2 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 1.3.1 v forcats 0.5.0 ## -- Conflicts -------------------------...

830 sym R (7693 sym/53 pcs) 2 img

FW849 2020 HW 2


Homework 2 answers I created this R markdown as a self contained document with code, output and conclusions. You don’t have to use this format. But if you want to learn to do this, feel free to contact me and I will try to explain. also, if you are an advanced R programmer experienced with R markdown language and want to share your knowledge, f...

3153 sym R (11607 sym/42 pcs) 4 img

overall DE results


First summary of RNAseq expression First let’s look at the size of our gene expression table and how many genes are expressed. A total of 25232 genes are expressed. #descriptive statistics Counts of gene expression: ## total number of genes ## [1] 35735 ## genes with expression ## ## FALSE TRUE ## 10503 25232 ## [1] 25232 20 Gene expres...

553 sym R (5110 sym/36 pcs) 6 img

Dyadic data 1


Example analysis of dyadic behavioral data The enclosed dataset is from single sided attacks and this is a preliminary analysis. Data description Overal data structure: number of pigs= 794 number of social groups=59 number of dyads= 9958 variables= 11 (see below) Variables upen: unique pen id (animals sharing this label were in the same soci...

2361 sym R (3806 sym/23 pcs) 5 img

Capsid variartion GFP


Analysis of Capsid GFP datasets Three capsid datasets were analyzed. In all cases, these dataset included several technical replicates of obsevrations of GFP % for a small number of dogs. Each treatment was applied to one or at most two dogs’ eyes and measured four times per eyes. All the statistical analyses were performed at the observation l...

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Cortisol classifications


Selection from acute and recovery response I used Janice’s data containing pre-post cortisol measures to generate a ficticius dataset of pre-post-3day dataset. Subsecuently I applied alternative partitioning criteria. Read and represent data First: read the data, reshape and represent it graphically. corti<-read_xlsx("Final Cortisol Data for a...

2460 sym R (2724 sym/7 pcs) 8 img



Analysys pre-post Analysis of “Fyfe NH dogs_OU_whole day avgs_STATS_2020.xlsx” pre-post trend. First read the data and make transformations setwd("C:/Users/marti/OneDrive/Documents/andras/Kristin") library(tidyverse) library(readxl) library(lme4) library(lsmeans) library(ggplot2) dts<-read_xlsx("Fyfe NH dogs_OU_whole day avgs_STATS_202...

512 sym R (4010 sym/19 pcs) 4 img

Crypto Report


This is a criptoreport generated using daily prices First: Select a set of cryptos for long-short term MA analyses. Note: at least 200 days of data are needed. ## # A tibble: 5 x 8 ## id name symbol slug rank is_active first_historical_~ last_historical~ ## <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <date> <date> ...

1172 sym R (5452 sym/11 pcs) 7 img