Publications by Jay Lasker

Buczyłowska, Petermann & Daseking (2020) - Just One g?


Setup This also includes a reanalysis of Wang et al. (2021). library(pacman); p_load(lavaan, psych, semPlot) CONGO <- function(F1, F2) { PHI = sum(F1*F2) / sqrt(sum(F1^2)*sum(F2^2)) return(PHI)} CRITR <- function(n, alpha = .05) { df <- n - 2; CRITT <- qt(alpha/2, df, lower.tail = F) CRITR <- sqrt((CRITT^2)/((CRITT^2) + df )) ...

1571 sym R (30946 sym/98 pcs) 8 img

Marks (2010) Reanalysis for Lasker, Nyborg & Kirkegaard (2021)


Setup library(pacman); p_load(psych) CRITR <- function(n, alpha = .05) { df <- n - 2; CRITT <- qt(alpha/2, df, lower.tail = F) CRITR <- sqrt((CRITT^2)/((CRITT^2) + df )) return(CRITR)} data <- data.frame("BWJR" = c(0.79, 0.94, 0.79, 0.93, 0.88, 0.61, 0.47, 0.81, 0.77, 0.82), "DutchOrder" = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,...

2165 sym R (8438 sym/11 pcs)

Just One g - Updated Meta-Analytic Results


Setup #Packages library(pacman) p_load(dplyr, DT, meta, DescTools, ggplot2, metafor, dmetar) #Ad hoc functions r2z <- function(r){ z = 0.5*log((1+r)/(1-r)) return(z)} z2r <- function(z){ r = (exp(1)^(2*z)-1)/(exp(1)^(2*z)+1) return(r)} #Data datatable(JOG, extensions = c("Buttons", "FixedColumns"), options = list(dom = 'B...

7697 sym R (133831 sym/91 pcs) 19 img

Between-Group Heritability in a Recent Global Admixture Study


Packages and Functions library(pacman); p_load(ggplot2) #Jensen's (1973) between-group heritability BGHJ <- function(PM1, PM2, MO) { ME <- PM1 - ((PM1 - PM2)/2) MOD <- PM1 - MO MED <- PM1 - ME BGHAD <- MOD/MED if(BGHAD > 1) BGHAD <- abs(1 + (1 - (MOD/MED))) return(BGHAD)} #Jensen's (1973) adjusted between-group heritability ...

2364 sym R (1817 sym/16 pcs) 1 img

Venn Diagram Simulations


Setup library(pacman); p_load(bindata, dplyr, VennDiagram, pCalibrate) Venn diagrams overlap to the extent variables are associated. The common misconception that no relationship yields no overlap is false. This can be shown via simulation. If two variables are not associated, half of the plotted samples should overlap. If two variables are posi...

3744 sym R (14768 sym/168 pcs) 6 img

Sex Differences in Variance Ratios on Cognitive Tests


Setup library(pacman); p_load(DT, psych, ggplot2, dplyr, kableExtra) Rationale Sex differences in the variance of cognitive abilities are commonly noted. However, they are potentially confounded by mean performance differences between the sexes. Therefore, to get a better estimate, it can be edifying to regress variance ratios against standardiz...

7370 sym R (59928 sym/199 pcs) 17 img 1 tbl

Canivez et al. (2009) - Reanalysis


Setup #Packages library(pacman); p_load(psych, lavaan, semPlot) #Functions CONGO <- function(F1, F2) { PHI = sum(F1*F2) / sqrt(sum(F1^2)*sum(F2^2)) return(PHI)} CRITR <- function(n, alpha = .05) { df <- n - 2; CRITT <- qt(alpha/2, df, lower.tail = F) CRITR <- sqrt((CRITT^2)/((CRITT^2) + df )) return(CRITR)} NP <- function...

723 sym R (32199 sym/61 pcs) 3 img

Kaufman et al. (2011) - Reanalysis


Setup #Packages library(pacman); p_load(psych, lavaan, semPlot) #Functions CONGO <- function(F1, F2) { PHI = sum(F1*F2) / sqrt(sum(F1^2)*sum(F2^2)) return(PHI)} CRITR <- function(n, alpha = .05) { df <- n - 2; CRITT <- qt(alpha/2, df, lower.tail = F) CRITR <- sqrt((CRITT^2)/((CRITT^2) + df )) return(CRITR)} NP <- function...

1014 sym R (54163 sym/103 pcs) 5 img

Felig et al.'s Results are Explained by Filtering


Setup if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("cardiomoon/processR") library(pacman); p_load(psych, DT, car, sensemakr, simpleboot, processR, lavaan, interactions, ggplot2, MASS, robustbase, sfsmisc, sandwich, lmtest) Rationale There is a lot of commentary on Felig et al.’s (2021) paper on twitter. Most of...

25387 sym R (99378 sym/193 pcs) 4 img

Was the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis Debunked?


Setup #Packages library(pacman); p_load(DT) datatable(data, extensions = c("Buttons", "FixedColumns"), options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'print'), scrollX = T, fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 3))) Rationale Harrison et al. (2021) evaluated the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis (GMVH) in a meta-analysis of 220 dif...

11775 sym R (32371 sym/149 pcs)