Publications by Jay Lasker

The Relationship Between Test Effort and IQ Might be Causal


Setup library(pacman); p_load(psych, dagitty) Rationale Bates & Gignac (2022) assessed the effect of a small financial incentive on IQ scoring to assess the effect of effort on IQ. At first, they assessed the cross-sectional relationship between IQ and effort (r’s of .29, .27, and .27, corrected for unreliablility to .34, .39, and .43). Th...

11238 sym R (4174 sym/17 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl

The Correlation-Adjusted Bonferroni Correction Method


Setup PDerive <- function(ES, SE, Tail = 2){ Z = abs(ES/SE) P = pnorm(Z, lower.tail = F) * Tail return(P)} CorrelatedBonferroni <- function(p, m, r, cutoff = .05){ msharp = (m + 1) - (1 + (m - 1) * r) AdjustedP = p * msharp AdjustedCutoff = cutoff / msharp return(cat("The adjusted P-value is", AdjustedP, "and the adjusted c...

4553 sym R (4715 sym/36 pcs)

Does Practice Reduce General Intelligence-Related Variance?


Setup library(pacman); p_load(psych, lavaan, EGAnet, sna, ggplot2, egg) ZREG <- function(B1, B2, SEB1, SEB2) { Z = (B1-B2)/sqrt((SEB1)^2 + (SEB2)^2) return(Z)} #Automatic Kaiser-Guttman Test KGA <- function(x){ SL = x$e.values which.min(SL >= 1) - 1} #Automatic Warne & Larsen (2014) Kaiser-Guttman revision MAPA <- function(x...

8360 sym R (176067 sym/186 pcs) 8 img

A Better Version of RMSEA for Nested Model Comparisons


Setup Rationale RMSEA is commonly used to discern misspecification and worsened fit in structural equation model selection. In testing latent variable models, RMSEA is the most commonly-reported model fit index (Ropovik, 2016, Table 1). But while RMSEA has obvious utility for detecting misspecification and does not go overboard in calling mi...

9111 sym R (26250 sym/225 pcs)

German Schizophrenia Eugenics


Setup library(pacman); p_load(VGAM) An Analysis In a paper that is popular beyond all sense, Torrey & Yolken (2010) argued that the Nazis’ genocide of schizophrenics and the subsequent lack of long-term effect on rates of schizophrenia in Germany was evidence against “erroneous genetic theories… of schizophrenia”, and others have argued ...

11661 sym R (2693 sym/8 pcs)

Education and Intelligence - The Vietnam Experience Study


Setup library(pacman); p_load(kirkegaard, lavaan, knitr, semPlot, umx, psych) The data used for this analysis can be downloaded at its public repository, here: VES %<>% rename( WBD = WAIS_BD, #WAIS Block Design WGI = WAIS_GI, #WAIS General Information GPTR = GPT_right, #Grooved Pegboard Task - Right ...

8867 sym R (143856 sym/182 pcs) 3 img 5 tbl

Assessing the Meaning of Measurement Invariance


Setup library(pacman); p_load(psych, lavaan, tidyverse) FITM <- c("chisq", "df", "nPar", "cfi", "rmsea", "", "", "aic", "bic") Rationale John Protzko has produced a new paper that is interesting, to say the least (Protzko, 2022). The gist is that the interpretation of measurement invariance that goes \[f(X,\eta) =...

22010 sym R (61262 sym/97 pcs) 1 tbl