Publications by J. Kavanagh

Austria Hungary - Iterations


Import the Data sf_use_s2(FALSE) ## Spherical geometry (s2) switched off tmap_mode('view') ## tmap mode set to interactive viewing st_read('CShapes-2/CShapes-2.0.shp') -> cshapes2 ## Reading layer `CShapes-2.0' from data source ## `/Users/jackkavanagh/Dropbox/R_Sofya_Maps/CShapes-2/CShapes-2.0.shp' ## using driver `ESRI Shapefile' ## Simple f...

134 sym Python (5391 sym/16 pcs)

First World War Mapping


sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE) ## Spherical geometry (s2) switched off tmap_mode('view') ## tmap mode set to interactive viewing Import the Geographical Datafiles Using the GADM data download the country administrative areas for Europe and the Middle East ## European Countries Boundaries & Administrative Areas st_read("gadm41_AUT.gpkg", layer = "ADM_ADM_0"...

689 sym Python (86693 sym/409 pcs)

Publish Document


## Spherical geometry (s2) switched off ## tmap mode set to interactive viewing Overview of linked townlands Linked Townlands within Baronies...

80 sym



Import the Data # Import the data read.csv('Army_Dependents.csv', stringsAsFactors = F, na.strings= c("NA", " ", "")) -> army_dependents read.csv('Irish Army Census.csv', stringsAsFactors = F, na.strings= c("NA", " ", "")) -> army_census st_read('counties/counties.shp') -> cty ## Reading layer `counties' from data source ## `...

63 sym Python (13662 sym/29 pcs) 6 img

Book Chapter - Programming Code


Import the Data # Import the data read.csv('dependents.csv', stringsAsFactors = F, na.strings= c("NA", " ", "")) -> army_dependents read.csv('Irish Army Census.csv', stringsAsFactors = F, na.strings= c("NA", " ", "")) -> army_census st_read('counties/counties.shp') -> cty ## Reading layer `counties' from data source ## `/User...

43 sym Python (8707 sym/12 pcs) 3 img



This is a Markdown Document outlining the code and datasets from OpenStreetMap First steps First thing is to install R and RStudio, it’s a universal software package available via Windows/MacOS/Linux etc. Here’s a quick guide to install both applications. This analysis requires that the user has some knowledge of how to utilise programming lan...

2180 sym R (17006 sym/50 pcs)

Map of Dublin Barracks



3 sym

Map of Dublin Barracks



3 sym

Map of Dublin City Barracks



3 sym