Publications by J. Kavanagh
AS - Day 2 - Session 1
AS - Day 2 Introduction to R - Session 1 Dr. J. Kavanagh 2023-09-14 Importing Data Here is a clear and straightforward way to import data into RStudio read.csv('net-receipts-by-commodity.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) -> receipts Using some of the lessons from Day 1, explore the dataset receipts %>% count(year) ## year n ## 1 2003 30 ## 2...
1010 sym Python (10789 sym/39 pcs) 6 img
AS - Day 2 - Session 2
AS - Day 2 Introduction to R - Session 2 Dr. J. Kavanagh 2023-09-12 Exploring Time Series Data We are going to use the Rainfall.RData package for this session. load('rainfall.RData') This data is a collection of rainfall levels captured across Ireland from 1850-2014. The data is in two parts: stations and rain. This a truncated version of a lon...
2843 sym Python (6216 sym/43 pcs) 3 img
AS - Day 1 - Session 1
Autumn School - Day 1 Introduction to R - Session 1 Dr. J. Kavanagh 2023-09-09 Setting a working directory In this document, there are a series of examples setting out the basic commands of R. You must have the following installed on your computer before we begin: R - version 4.3.1 for MacOS and Windows RStudio version 2023.03.2+454 for MacOS ...
5668 sym R (14858 sym/67 pcs)
AS - Day 1 - Session 2
AS - Day 1 Introduction to R - Session 2 Dr. J. Kavanagh 2023-09-09 Displaying Research Findings A useful package for visualising research findings as charts and graphs is ‘ggplot2’. It is included in the ‘tidyverse’ package and follows the guidelines of the ‘Layered Grammar of Graphics’. The key layers are: Data Mapping Statistica...
4873 sym 7 img
AS - Day 1 - Session 1
Autumn School - Day 1 Introduction to R - Session 1 Dr. J. Kavanagh 2023-09-08 Setting a working directory In this document, there are a series of examples setting out the basic commands of R. You must have the following installed on your computer before we begin: R - version 4.3.1 for MacOS and Windows RStudio version 2023.03.2+454 for MacOS ...
5655 sym R (14839 sym/67 pcs)
Publish Document
Autumn School - Day 1 Introduction to R - Session 1 Dr. J. Kavanagh 2023-09-08 Setting a working directory In this document, there are a series of examples setting out the basic commands of R. You must have the following installed on your computer before we begin: R - version 4.3.1 for MacOS and Windows RStudio version 2023.03.2+454 for MacOS ...
5688 sym
Publish Document
Autumn School - Day 1 - Session 1 Introduction to R - Session 1 J. Kavanagh 2023-09-08 Introduction This lecture is designed to show you the potential for using R for spatial analysis when applied to historical questions. You must have the following installed on your computer before we begin. R RStudio Open RStudio, in the console type the fol...
1660 sym
R Companion Script - Journal
Getting Started This webpage is a listing of the code utilised and the process of creating the maps and visualisations created for the journal article. All the visualisations use information drawn from the IRA nominal rolls series collated as part of the Military Service Pension Collection (MSPC). All the spatial objects, lookup tables and shapef...
6225 sym R (13622 sym/84 pcs)
R Exercises for SGL Database
SGL R Exercises J. Kavanagh 2023-04-08 Introduction This is a series of excercises to get everyone used to the RStudio environment and with some of the code segments and commands we went over in the past few weeks. My advice is to create a new R Script file for this exercise and copy the following code into it, saving repeatedly as you go. Some...
3971 sym
Using the SGL with R - Part 2
Using the SGL Database in R - Part 2 J. Kavanagh 2023-03-25 Introduction We will doing more specific analyses in this series of slides Load the data file I created for this group load('SGL_2.RData') Age Breakdown Now there is only consistent age data from the burials dataset, this is a regular feature of historical data. Typically grave registe...
1542 sym Python (11366 sym/29 pcs) 2 img