Publications by Ching-Fang Wu

dataM L5 exercise


Q1 Select at random one school per county in the data set Caschool{Ecdat} and draw a scatter diagram of average math score mathscr against average reading score readscr for the sampled data set. Make sure your results are reproducible (e.g., the same random sample will be drawn each time). #install package and download data pacman::p_load(Ecdat...

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DataM L5 inclass exercises


Q1 Comment on what each code chunk in the following classroom markdown fileis trying to achive and on its output. Data pacman::p_load(WWGbook) data(classroom, package="WWGbook") #用?查詢classroom資料集 ?classroom R右下角視窗會跳出這個data set的內容說明。 The Study of Instructional Improvement (SII; Hill, Rowan, and Ball,...

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dataM L4 exercise


Q1 Chatterjee and Hadi (Regression by Examples, 2006) provided a link to the right to workdata set on their web page. Display the relationship between Income and Taxes. #Import tab-delimited files q1fL <- "" q1dta <- read.csv(q1fL, sep='\t') dplyr::glimpse(q1dta) ## Rows: 38 ## Columns:...

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dataM L3 exercise 1-5


Q1 Concerning the anorexia{MASS}, explain the difference between > anorexia[,2] > anorexia[“Prewt”] and > lm(Postwt ~ Treat, data=anorexia) > lm(Postwt ~ as.numeric(Treat), data=anorexia) Does the second output make sense in the context of the ‘anorexia’ data analysis? #load data from package #install.packages("MASS") data(anorexia,pack...

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dataM L3 in-class exercise


Q1 The math attainment page has a dataset and a script of R code chunks. Generate a markdown file from the script to push the output in HTML for posting to course Moodle site. input data #first R session using math attainment data set # read in a plain text file with variable names and assign a name to it dta <- read.table("C:/Users/Ching-Fan...

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dataM L3 in-class exercise


Q1 The math attainment page has a dataset and a script of R code chunks. Generate a markdown file from the script to push the output in HTML for posting to course Moodle site. input data #first R session using math attainment data set # read in a plain text file with variable names and assign a name to it dta <- read.table("C:/Users/Ching-Fan...

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dataM L2 Homework 2


DataM L2 HW2 Ching-Fang Wu 2021/10/12 GPA and GRE Doughnut Dump 02 三月, 2018 An education researcher is interested in how variables, such as GRE (Graduate Record Exam scores), GPA (grade point average) and prestige of the undergraduate institution (Rank), influence admission into graduate school (Admit). Read data dta <- read.csv("https://s...

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dataM L2 Homework 5


dataM L2 Homework5 吳靜芳 2021 十月 12 Q5 The dataset, BAC{HoRM}, is from a study to compare the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of subjects using two different methods (Breathalyzer Model 5000 or labtest BAC in a laboratory) on 15 subjects. Replicate the analysis by following the sleep example of the class note. ## id test bac ##...

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dataM L2 Homework


dataM L2 Homework1 吳靜芳 2021 十月 12 Q1 Download the weather data for a week in Tainan and data from taipei to a data sub-folder in a folder where you have also downloaded and stored this markdown template . Render the rmarkdown file to examine its output. 氣象資訊 天氣預報 【陰天有短暫雨,氣溫偏低,沿海空曠地�...

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L1 in-class exercise


3 In RStudio, enter the following line (after the prompt ‘>’) in the Console panel: hist(rnorm(1000)) 4 Continue with the current session, run the commands below to install the following packages for later use: # install.packages("pacman") pacman::p_load(rmarkdown, knitr, here, kableExtra, rmdformats, readxl, tidyverse, xaringan, ERP) 5 Dow...

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