Publications by Ching-Fang Wu

dataM L2 in-class exercise 1


範例一:美國婦女的身高和體重 吳靜芳 2021 十月 04 套內數據 十五位三十到十九歲美國婦女的身高和體重. women height weight 1 58 115 2 59 117 3 60 120 4 61 123 5 62 126 6 63 129 7 64 132 8 65 135 9 66 139 10 67 142 11 ...

415 sym R (2251 sym/12 pcs) 4 img

dataM L2 in-class exercise 1


DataM L2 in-class exercise 吳靜芳 2021 十月 05 #Q1 Set up an account on RPubs , github , or neocities . Edit the women rmarkdowm file by replacing the default style with one of your favorite templates with your name on the title and a new date. Publish the output to course Moodle site. 修改output: leonids Theme (from prettydoc Package) ...

1935 sym R (11764 sym/69 pcs) 13 img

dataM L2 in-class exercise 3


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 幻燈忍者 ## 資料管理 - 演講幻燈片製作示範 ### 吳靜芳(改編自許清芳教授課堂教材) ### 民國110年10月4日 --- # 大綱 - 簡介資料分析流程 -- - 前置作業 -- - 數學公式 -- - 程式碼 -- - 統計分析 -- - 表格 -- - 繪�...

3619 sym

dataM L4 in-class exercise 1-5


Q1 The AAUP2 data set is a comma-delimited fixed column format text file with ’*’ for missing value. Import the file into R and indicate missing values by ‘NA’. Hint: ?read.csv # input data # read.csv dta <- read.csv("C:/Users/Ching-Fang Wu/Documents/dataM/aaup2.dat.txt", header=T) head(dta) ## X1061.Alaska.Pacific.University......AK...

1546 sym R (8817 sym/38 pcs) 4 img

dataM L7 exercise


Q1 Fifty male and fifty female students fill out the same questionnaire in weekly intervals starting five weeks before an important examination to measure state anxiety. The research interests are: 1.whether there are gender difference in state anxiety 2.individual differences in state anxiety Explore the answers to both questions with plots invo...

2870 sym R (10249 sym/52 pcs) 7 img 4 tbl

dataM L9 exercise


Q1:Cushings example The following R script uses Cushings{MASS} to demonstrates several ways to achieve the same objective in R. Explain the advantages or disadvantages of each method. # tools #install.packages("pacman") library(pacman) pacman::p_load(MASS, tidyverse) # take a look Cushings ## Tetrahydrocortisone Pregnanetriol Type ## a...

2081 sym R (10630 sym/49 pcs) 1 img