Publications by hrbrmstr

R⁶ — Tracking WannaCry Bitcoin Wallet Payments with R


If you follow me on Twitter or monitor @Rapid7’s Community Blog you know I’ve been involved a bit in the WannaCry ransomworm triage. One thing I’ve been doing is making charts of the hourly contribution to the Bitcoin addresses that the current/main attackers are using to accept ransom payments (which you really shouldn’t pay, now, even i...

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R⁶ — Using R With Amazon Athena & AWS Temporary Security Credentials


Most of the examples of working with most of the AWS services show basic username & password authentication. That’s all well-and-good, but many shops use the AWS Security Token Service to provide temporary credentials and session tokens to limit exposure and provide more uniform multi-factor authentication. At my workplace, Frank Mitchell creat...

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A Very Palette-able Post


Many of my posts seem to begin with a link to a tweet, and this one falls into that pattern: And @_inundata is already working on a #rstats palette.— Timothée Poisot (@tpoi) May 21, 2017 I’d seen the Ars Tech post about the named color palette derived from some training data. I could tell at a glance of the resultant...

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R⁶ — Idiomatic (for the People)


NOTE: I’ll do my best to ensure the next post will have nothing to do with Twitter, and this post might not completely meet my R⁶ criteria. A single, altruistic, nigh exuberant R tweet about slurping up a directory of CSVs devolved quickly — at least in my opinion, and partly (sadly) with my aid — into a thread that ultimately strayed fr...

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L.A. Unconf-idential : a.k.a. an rOpenSci #runconf17 Retrospective


Last year, I was able to sit back and lazily “RT” Julia Silge’s excellent retrospective on her 2016 @rOpenSci “unconference” experience. Since Julia was not there this year, and the unconference experience is still in primary storage (LMD v2.0 was a success!) I thought this would be the perfect time for a mindful look-back. And Now, A W...

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Drilling Into CSVs — Teaser Trailer


I used reading a directory of CSVs as the foundational example in my recent post on idioms. During my exchange with Matt, Hadley and a few others — in the crazy Twitter thread that spawned said post — I mentioned that I’d personally “just use Drill”. I’ll use this post as a bit of a teaser trailer for the actual post (or, more likely,...

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R⁶ — Scraping Images To PDFs


I’ve been doing intermittent prep work for a follow-up to an earlier post on store closings and came across this CNN Money “article” on it. Said “article” is a deliberately obfuscated or lazily crafted series of GIF images that contain all the Radio Shack impending store closings. It’s the most comprehensive list I’ve found, but the...

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Engaging the tidyverse Clean Slate Protocol


I caught the 0.7.0 release of dplyr on my home CRAN server early Friday morning and immediately set out to install it since I’m eager to finish up my sergeant package and get it on CRAN. “Tidyverse” upgrades aren’t trivial for me as I tinker quite a bit with the tidyverse and create packages that depend on various components. The sergeant...

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Keeping Users Safe While Collecting Data


I caught a mention of this project by Pete Warden on Four Short Links today. If his name sounds familiar, he’s the creator of the DSTK, an O’Reilly author, and now works at Google. A decidedly clever and decent chap. The project goal is noble: crowdsource and make a repository of open speech data for researchers to make a better world. Said s...

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Replicating the Apache Drill ‘Yelp’ Academic Dataset Analysis with sergeant


The Apache Drill folks have a nice walk-through tutorial on how to analyze the Yelp Academic Dataset with Drill. It’s a bit out of date (the current Yelp data set structure is different enough that the tutorial will error out at various points), but it’s a great example of how to work with large, nested JSON files as a SQL data source. By ‘...

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