Publications by finnstats
Data Manipulation Techniques with dplyr
Data manipulation techniques refer to the process of adjusting or rearranging data to make it organized and easier to read. Data manipulation is a crucial function for all types of operations. If you want to perform any kind of analysis like customer behavior, trend identification, prediction, etc… need to re-arrange the data in the way you ne...
2434 sym R (10586 sym/12 pcs)
Animated Graph GIF with gganimate & ggplot
Animated graph gif, an animated graph can effectively draw the audience’s focus and lead their eyes to specific points on the graph. In most cases concentrating on a statistics chart is difficult and you can’t control the pace of the information being presented. In gganimate package, it’s very easy to create animated graphs with help of ggp...
2268 sym R (3189 sym/11 pcs) 8 img
Sentiment analysis in R
Sentiment analysis in R, In this article, we will discuss sentiment analysis using R. We will make use of the syuzhet text package to analyze the data and get scores for the corresponding words that are present in the dataset. The ultimate aim is to build a sentiment analysis model and identify the words whether they are positive, negative, and a...
6090 sym R (7547 sym/25 pcs) 8 img
Filtering Data in R 10 Tips -tidyverse package
filtering data in r, In this tutorial describes how to filter or extract data frame rows based on certain criteria. In this tutorial, you will learn the filter R functions from the tidyverse package. The main idea is to showcase different ways of filtering from the data set. Filtering data is one of the common tasks in the data analysis process. ...
1608 sym R (5864 sym/21 pcs)
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in R
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test is based on the direction of differences and magnitudes. This test is more sensitive and powerful than an ordinary sign test. The ordinary sign test was based only on the direction of differences ignoring their magnitudes. How can one apply Wilcoxon signed-rank test for matched paired samples? Under matched paired sample...
2766 sym R (1553 sym/12 pcs) 2 img
pipe operator in R-Simplify Your Code with %>%
pipe operator in R comes from the “magrittr” package. What does the pipe operator do? The purpose is to lower improvement time and to enhance clarity and maintainability of code. Packages in “tidyverse” load %>% pipe operator automatically, so usually no need to load “magrittr” explicitly. The major task of this operator will forward ...
2206 sym R (828 sym/7 pcs)
apply family in r apply(), lapply(), sapply(), mapply() and tapply()
apply family in r, In this article, we are going to discuss the R Apply family. The apply family is an inbuilt R package, so no need to install any packages for the execution. The main advantage of apply function is we can get rid of loop operations. apply family in r contains apply(), lapply(), sapply(), mapply() and tapply(). How to clean the...
3838 sym R (1152 sym/18 pcs)
Stringr in r 10 data manipulation Tips and Tricks
Stringr in r data manipulation Tips and Tricks, In this tutorial we are going to discuss useful functions and expressions in stringr package. Stringr in r Variety of functions available in stringr package but we are going cover only important functions in our day-to-day data analysis. library(stringr) 1. Word Length statement<-c("R", "is powerful...
2869 sym R (2555 sym/19 pcs)
How to find dataset differences in R Quickly Compare Datasets
How to find dataset differences in R, when the pieces of information are changing between datasets it’s a difficult task to identify the same. Here we are going to discuss the daff package in R, daff package helps us to identify the differences and visualize them in a beautiful way. Features Its compare rows and columns and provides information...
2714 sym R (1030 sym/7 pcs) 4 img
datatable editor-DT package in R
datatable editor DT package, In this tutorial, we are going to discuss DT package from R. DT stands for data tables and datatable() is the main function of DT package. datatable() is completely different from data.table() function DT package is very easy to use and based on this package can filter, search, and export data into different formats ...
2800 sym R (610 sym/10 pcs) 16 img