Publications by Farhana Zahir
Final project Microsoft
library(SentimentAnalysis) ## ## Attaching package: 'SentimentAnalysis' ## The following object is masked from 'package:base': ## ## write library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.2.1 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3 v dplyr ...
103 sym R (4963 sym/31 pcs)
Final project Apple
library(SentimentAnalysis) ## ## Attaching package: 'SentimentAnalysis' ## The following object is masked from 'package:base': ## ## write library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.2.1 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3 v dplyr ...
103 sym R (5018 sym/31 pcs)
Tidyverse Part 2
library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.2.1 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3 v dplyr 0.8.3 ## v tidyr 1.0.0 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 1.3.1 v forcats 0.4.0 ## -- Conflicts ---------------------------------------------...
758 sym R (6612 sym/13 pcs) 1 img
Tidyverse Assignment
Task Create an Example Using one or more TidyVerse packages, and any dataset from or Kaggle, create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or more of the capabilities of the selected TidyVerse package with your selected dataset. (25 points) Extend an Existing Example Using one of your classmate’...
2812 sym R (3002 sym/24 pcs) 3 img
Data 607 Assignment08
Tasks required For this assignment, you should take information from a relational database and migrate it to a NoSQL database of your own choosing. For the relational database, you might use the flights database, the tb database, the “data skills” database your team created for Project 3, or another database of your own choosing or creation. ...
3370 sym R (1577 sym/19 pcs) 1 img
Problem Set 1 Question 1 What is the rank of the matrix A? \[A=\begin{vmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3& 4 \\ -1 & 0 & 1 & 3\\ 0&1&-2&1\\5&4&-2&3\end{vmatrix}\] The rank of a matrix is defined as the number of linearly independent rows or linearly independent columns in a matrix A. The process for computing the rank involves translating a matrix into echelon f...
2503 sym R (2367 sym/52 pcs)
Continuous density functions Problem 2 page 71 Suppose you choose a real number X from the interval [2,10] with a density function of the form f(x)=Cx where C is a constant a)Find C. b) Find P(E) where E=[a,b] is a subinterval of [2,10]. c) Find P(X>5) , P(X<7), and P(X2−12X+35>0) Solution: To find C, we require the probability over the entire...
932 sym
Data 605 Assignment 05
library(pracma) library(ggplot2) Problem Set 1 Choose independently two numbers B and C at random from the interval [0, 1] with uniform density. Prove that B and C are proper probability distributions. Note that the point (B,C) is then chosen at random in the unit square. #randomly select 10,000 numbers between 0 and 1 B <- runif(10000, min = ...
782 sym R (1683 sym/29 pcs) 2 img
Sums of discrete random variables Problem 03 page 289 Let \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be independent random variables with the same distribution \[p_{X} = \left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{1}{8} \text{ ; if }x=0\\ \frac{3}{8} \text{ ; if }x=1\\ \frac{1}{2} \text{ ; if }x=2 \end{matrix}\right.\] Find the distribution of \(S_{2} = X_{1} + X_{2}\) Solution: ...
850 sym
Problem 01 Chapter 9.3 Exercise 11 page 363 The price of one share of stock in the Pilsdorff Beer Company is given by \(Y_{n}\) Finn notices that \(X_{n} = Y_{n+1} - Y_{n}\) appear to be independent random variables with \(\mu = 0\) and \(\sigma =\frac{1}{2}\) If \(Y_{1} = 100\), estimate the probability that: a) \(Y_{365}\geq100\) b) \(Y_{365}\g...
3052 sym R (62 sym/4 pcs)