Publications by Farhana Zahir



Problem Using the “cars” dataset in R, build a linear model for stopping distance as a function of speed and replicate the analysis of your textbook chapter 3 (visualization, quality evaluation of the model, and residual analysis.) Load the data attach(cars) summary(cars) ## speed dist ## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.0...

2215 sym R (1262 sym/8 pcs) 4 img



Data: Age and Cholesterol Source: One factor Linear Regression The analysis looks at the relationship between Age and Cholesterol. The independent variable is Age and the Dependent variable is cholesterol. Load data data <- read.csv(file="

1359 sym R (2252 sym/9 pcs) 4 img



Smith is in jail and has 1 dollar; he can get out on bail if he has 8 dollars.A guard agrees to make a series of bets with him. If Smith bets A dollars,he wins A dollars with probability .4 and loses A dollars with probability .6. Find the probability that he wins 8 dollars before losing all of his money if (a) He bets 1 dollar each time (timid ...

1093 sym R (79 sym/4 pcs)



Continuous Independent Trials Prob 11 Page 363 The price of one share of stock in the Pilsdorff Beer Company is given by \(Y_{n}\) Finn notices that \(X_{n} = Y_{n+1} - Y_{n}\) appear to be independent random variables with \(\mu = 0\) and \(\sigma =\frac{1}{2}\) If \(Y_{1} = 100\), estimate the probability that: \(Y_{365}\geq100\) \(Y_{365}\geq...

1017 sym R (62 sym/4 pcs)

Data608 Project Proposal


Data The data I want to use for my final project can be found here The dataset contains essential financial fundamental indicators for 2389 companies included into NASDAQ index extracted from service. Dataset contains 10 indicators from Income, Cash Flow and Ass...

1975 sym R (1665 sym/2 pcs)



Problem 11 Page 303 A company buys 100 lightbulbs, each of which has an exponential lifetime of 1000 hours What is the expected time until the first lightbulb burns out? Solution \(P(M \le m)=1-e^\frac{-nm}{\mu}\) For this particular problem, n=100 and \(\mu\)=1000 \(E(M) = \int_{0}^{\infty}x \frac{n}{\mu}e^{-\frac{nx}{\mu}}dx = -\frac{e^{\frac{n...

2292 sym



library(tidyverse) ## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.6.3 ## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.6.3 library(ggplot2) Problem 1 Let X1, X2, . . . , Xn be n mutually independent random variables, each of which is uniformly distributed on the integers from 1 to k. Let Y denote the minimum of the Xi’s. Find...

3741 sym R (2404 sym/40 pcs) 2 img



ContinuoUs random variables Problem 09 page 279 Let \(X\), \(Y\) and \(Z\) be independent random variables each with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^{2}\) a) Find \(E(S)\) and \(V(S)\) where \(S=X+Y+Z\) b) Find \(E(A)\) and \(V(A)\) where \(A=\frac{1}{3}(X+Y+Z)\) c) Find \(E(S^{2})\) and \(E(A^{2})\) Solution: \(E(S)=E(X+Y+Z)=E(X)+E(Y)+E(Z)=3...

628 sym



Problem 1 A box contains 54 red marbles, 9 white marbles, and 75 blue marbles. If a marble is randomly selected from the box, what is the probability that it is red or blue? Express your answer as a fraction or a decimal number rounded to four decimal places. Red: 54 White: 9 Blue: 75 Probability red or blue: round((54 + 75)/(54 + 9 + 75), 4) ## ...

6583 sym R (1047 sym/20 pcs) 1 img



Discrete Conditional Probability Problem 18 page 152 A doctor assumes that a patient has one of three diseases: \(d_{1}\), \(d_{2}\), \(d_{3}\) Before any test, he assumes an equal probability of each disease He carries out a test that will be positive with probability 0.8 if the patient has \(d_{1}\), 0.6 if he has \(d_{2}\), and 0.4 if he has \...

1211 sym