Publications by Emily Runnion
Drone radial length and relative fat
1 Input Pollen Data Start by imputing pollen data and creating a new data frame with average pollen consumption on a per-colony basis ### Figure out average pollen consumption by treatment pollen <- read_csv("pollen1.csv", col_types = cols(round = col_factor(levels = c("1", ...
22832 sym Python (35953 sym/138 pcs) 16 img
1 Input Pollen Data Start by imputing pollen data and creating a new data frame with average pollen consumption on a per-colony basis ### Figure out average pollen consumption by treatment pollen <- read_csv("pollen1.csv", col_types = cols(round = col_factor(levels = c("1", ...
9648 sym Python (23118 sym/76 pcs) 24 img
1 Input Pollen Data Start by imputing pollen data and creating a new data frame with average pollen consumption on a per-colony basis ### Figure out average pollen consumption by treatment pollen <- read_csv("pollen1.csv", col_types = cols(round = col_factor(levels = c("1", ...
18667 sym R (82097 sym/217 pcs) 54 img
Drone Health Metrics
1 Input Pollen Data Start by imputing pollen data and creating a new data frame with average pollen consumption on a per-colony basis ### Figure out average pollen consumption by treatment pollen <- read_csv("pollen1.csv", col_types = cols(round = col_factor(levels = c("1", ...
13310 sym Python (34382 sym/105 pcs) 21 img
Class Reflection 9.6.2022
Learning How to Use R Markdown What I Learned In this class I learned how to create an rmd (R Markdown) file, and how to edit basic components of this file. I learned about the three main components of an rmd file: 1. The YAML This is where the author, title of the document, and date go. You can also assign what type of document you want to cr...
2531 sym 1 img
Brief intro to R Markdown
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks with...
14428 sym 12 img 1 tbl
Pristine Summary
Abstract Bees are frequently exposed to fungicides in agricultural landscapes, and while these chemicals are generally not considered to be harmful to insect pollinators, the sublethal effects of fungicides are not well understood. We investigated the non-target effects of exposure to field-realistic concentrations of the fungicide, Pristine�...
105096 sym R (143341 sym/366 pcs) 58 img 6 tbl