Publications by Emily Runnion
Consumption of pollen contaminated with field-realistic concentrations of fungicide cause sub-lethal effects in common eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens [Hymenoptera]: [Apidae]) microcolonies
#Input Data brood <- read_csv("brood.csv") brood$colony <- as.factor(brood$colony) brood$treatment <- as.factor(brood$treatment) brood$replicate<- as.factor(brood$replicate) brood$qro <- as.factor(brood$qro) drone.ce <- read_csv("drone.count.emerge.csv") drone.ce$colony <- as.factor(drone.ce$colony) drone.ce$treatment <- as.factor(drone.ce$...
112418 sym R (317970 sym/911 pcs) 149 img
manuscript 4
Input Data brood <- read_csv("brood.csv") brood$colony <- as.factor(brood$colony) brood$treatment <- as.factor(brood$treatment) brood$replicate<- as.factor(brood$replicate) brood$qro <- as.factor(brood$qro) drone.ce <- read_csv("drone.count.emerge.csv") drone.ce$colony <- as.factor(drone.ce$colony) drone.ce$treatment <- as.factor(drone.ce$t...
112524 sym R (317971 sym/911 pcs) 149 img
Manuscript 3 TOC not working
Input Data brood <- read_csv("brood.csv") brood$colony <- as.factor(brood$colony) brood$treatment <- as.factor(brood$treatment) brood$replicate<- as.factor(brood$replicate) brood$qro <- as.factor(brood$qro) drone.ce <- read_csv("drone.count.emerge.csv") drone.ce$colony <- as.factor(drone.ce$colony) drone.ce$treatment <- as.factor(drone.ce$t...
113512 sym R (319801 sym/915 pcs) 147 img
Manuscript Draft 2
Input Data brood <- read_csv("brood.csv") brood$colony <- as.factor(brood$colony) brood$treatment <- as.factor(brood$treatment) brood$replicate<- as.factor(brood$replicate) brood$qro <- as.factor(brood$qro) drone.ce <- read_csv("drone.count.emerge.csv") drone.ce$colony <- as.factor(drone.ce$colony) drone.ce$treatment <- as.factor(drone.ce$t...
70935 sym R (255774 sym/798 pcs) 125 img
Manuscript - Data Analysis
Input Data brood <- read_csv("brood.csv") brood$colony <- as.factor(brood$colony) brood$treatment <- as.factor(brood$treatment) brood$replicate<- as.factor(brood$replicate) brood$qro <- as.factor(brood$qro) drone.ce <- read_csv("drone.count.emerge.csv") drone.ce$colony <- as.factor(drone.ce$colony) drone.ce$treatment <- as.factor(drone.ce$t...
57912 sym Python (182603 sym/724 pcs) 80 img
Manuscript - Collinearity Check
Step 1 - Check for collinearity brood.col <- lm(brood_cells~ treatment + whole.mean + alive + duration + replicate + mean.dose + qro, data = brood) drop1(brood.col, test = "Chisq") ## Single term deletions ## ## Model: ## brood_cells ~ treatment + whole.mean + alive + duration + replicate + ## mean.dose + qro ## Df Sum of Sq...
11807 sym
Drones 7.7.23
Bees are frequently exposed to fungicides in agricultural landscapes, and while these chemicals are generally not considered to be harmful to insect pollinators, the sublethal effects of fungicides are not well understood. We investigated the non-target effects of exposure to field-realistic concentrations of the fungicide, Pristine®, for the ...
62563 sym R (127001 sym/420 pcs) 48 img
Pollen Final
Input relevent data files ### Figure out average pollen consumption by treatment pollen <- read_csv("pollen1.csv", col_types = cols(round = col_factor(levels = c("1", "2")), treatment = col_factor(levels = c("1", ...
10188 sym Python (46102 sym/57 pcs) 7 img
Pristine Drone 6-29-23
Bees are frequently exposed to fungicides in agricultural landscapes, and while these chemicals are generally not considered to be harmful to insect pollinators, the sublethal effects of fungicides are not well understood. We investigated the non-target effects of exposure to field-realistic concentrations of the fungicide, Pristine®, for the ...
60481 sym R (117280 sym/376 pcs) 49 img
Pristine Analysis: Drones
Bees are frequently exposed to fungicides in agricultural landscapes, and while these chemicals are generally not considered to be harmful to insect pollinators, the sublethal effects of fungicides are not well understood. We investigated the non-target effects of exposure to field-realistic concentrations of the fungicide, Pristine®, for the ...
58039 sym Python (109964 sym/364 pcs) 48 img