Publications by DOEUN

Apartment Hierachy Clustering Analysis


Understanding Data Analysis PROJECT - Apartment Analysis Preprocessing setwd("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/R Analysis") read.csv('apt_data_2010_2020.csv')-> df str(df) ## 'data.frame': 807353 obs. of 28 variables: ## $ 거래금액 : int 100000 110000 26500 30000 25900 25300 25000 27900 27800 26800 ... ## $ 건축년도...

18877 sym R (10757 sym/17 pcs) 7 img

Wine clustering


WINE setwd('C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/R Analysis/Fast Campus') read.csv('wine.csv') -> df #----------------------------------- # NA 값 확인 #---------------------------------- colSums( ## Class Alcohol Acid ## 0 0 0 ...

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University Analsyis - regression package


DATA Preparation Introduction GRE.Score - GRE 점수 TOEFL.Score - 토플 점수 University.Ranking - 학부 대학 레이팅 SOP - 자기 소개서 점수 LOR - 추천서 점수 CGPA - 학부 점수 Research - 연구 경험의 유무 Chance of Admit - 대학원 합격 확률 Target Variable 이 있는가? Target Variable 에 따라 지도/비�...

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Problem Statement Marketing would like to increase email campaign engagement by segmenting the customer-base using their buying habbits. Solution Summary Customer Preferences Heat Map Customer Segmentation Customer Preferences By Segment ...

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Proudct Pricing 알고리즘


Problem Statement Research and Development wants help to determine new product ideas and pricing using existing product line as a benchmark. Solution Summary We`ve identified several product gaps in the existing product line including: 1.Alumium Over Mountain 2.Alumium Triathlon New product price prediction using Xgboost model 1.Alumium Over Mou...

478 sym 1 tbl



setwd("C:/Users/82108/Documents/R/datas/Audi") Audi = read.csv("audi.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #1. Nomarlization Normalization = function(x) { y=(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)) return(y) } Audi[,c(2,3,5,8)] -> Audi_S Normalization(Audi_S) ## year price mileage mpg ## 1 0.006241505 0.0386...

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library(tidyverse) library(tidyquant) library(parsnip) library(plotly) library(DT) library(gt) library(fontawesome) library(htmltools) Pivoting stock_data_tbl <- c("AAPL", "GOOG", "NFLX", "NVDA") %>% tq_get(from = "2010-01-01", to = "2019-12-31") %>% select(symbol, date, adjusted) stock_data_tbl %>% pivot_table( .ro...

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