Publications by DOEUN
고객 분석 (적금)
고객 데이터를 바탕으로 고객 특성을 분석하여 고객의 정기예금 가입 여부를 예측 1 Data Prepration getwd() ## [1] "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/BIG DATA" setwd("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/BIG DATA/03 R 금융데이터") Bank<-read.csv("bank.csv",header = TRUE, na.string = c("", " ")) str(Bank) ## 'data.frame'...
879 sym R (13348 sym/76 pcs) 28 img 5 tbl
Data Visualization Sets
Data and Visualization - ONE Data and Visualization - TWO Data and Visualization - THREE Data and Visualization - FOUR Data and Visualization - FIVE Data and Visualization - SIX Data and Visualization - SEVEN Data and Visualization - Eight Data and Visualization - ONE df <- "" data <- read_csv(df) df1 ...
567 sym R (46122 sym/41 pcs) 9 img
WHO Health Analysis
Time Series DOEUN 2020 3 3 0.1 Data Cleaning gov <- get_data("WHS7_108") total <- get_data("WHS7_105") #Selecting colums gov[,c(3,6,8)] -> gov_data total[,c("year","country","value")] ->total_data gov_data %>% filter(! %>% select(year,country, gov_exp = value) %>% arrange(desc(year)) %>% na.omit()-> df_gov to...
93 sym R (12758 sym/14 pcs) 6 img
Boston Housing Price linear regression
Loading DataSet Missing Data Correlation - Pearson EDA - Crime in Boston EDA - lower status of the population in Boston Simple Linear Regression Multi-regression Stepwise - linear KNN Random Forest Rpart Loading DataSet crim: per capita crime rate by town. zn: proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft. indus: proportion of ...
1715 sym R (43036 sym/100 pcs) 13 img
ARIMA - CORONA - Italy ARIMA - KOREA ARIMA - CORONA - Italy # Current time: TODAY <- today() # Data links (source: link1 <- "" ## Confrimed link2 <-...
173 sym R (4706 sym/12 pcs) 4 tbl
Linear Regression _ logistic
Question 8 - Logistic Regression Question 1 : 술집의 갯수로 부터 사망자수를 예측한ㄴ 단순 회귀 분석 실시 회귀 매개변수들에 부트스트랩 방법을 적용해서 같은 분석하기 setwd("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/BIG DATA/R_Book_Regression") pubs<-read.delim("pubs.dat", header = TRUE) head(pubs) ## p...
1115 sym R (148332 sym/119 pcs) 22 img
K-MEANS Customer Segmentation Practice
K-MEANS Clustering DOEUN 2020-04-07 K- MEANS WINE '' -> url read.table(url, header = FALSE, sep = ',', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, col.names = c("Cultivar", "Alcohol", "Malic.acid", "Ash", "Alcalinity" ,"Magnesium", ...
710 sym R (24675 sym/67 pcs) 25 img 1 tbl
Corona Visualzation DOEUN 2020 4 10 link1 <- "" link1 %>% read_csv() %>% rename(province = `Province/State`, country = `Country/Region`) %>% gather(Date, Confirmed, -province, - country...
57 sym R (9050 sym/9 pcs) 2 img
Classification (분류분석) xgboost, logistic regression, decisiontree
Classification Analysis DOEUN 2020 4 23 ## model weight sugar acid color ## 로얄후지:5 Min. :152.0 Min. :12.10 Min. :0.2800 적색:10 ## 미시마 :5 1st Qu.:251.0 1st Qu.:13.30 1st Qu.:0.3100 홍색:15 ## 아오리 :5 Median :329.0 Median :13.60 Median :0.380...
152 sym R (14419 sym/24 pcs) 7 img
#install.packages("ggplot2") #install.packages("dplR") library(ggplot2) library(dplR) #install.packages("installr") #library(installr) #check.for.updates.R() #install.R() #install.packages("mosaicData") library(mosaicData) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ...
3484 sym R (112783 sym/152 pcs) 55 img