Publications by Diego J. Lizcano, Alejandra Bonilla

Evaluacion riesgo mamiferos


Load tables library(readxl) library(raster) library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(mapview) DB_camera_trap <- read_excel("D:/BoxFiles/Box Sync/CodigoR/Toshiba/Mammals/data/DCore_Fototrampeo_V.6_7-feb-2021- GP MP MP_DL.xlsx", sheet = "Plantilla") DB_colecciones <- read_excel("C:/Users/usuario/Desktop/SCMas/DCore_Cat_Esp_Ame_Coleccio...

74 sym R (2005 sym/4 pcs)

PVA Lowland Tapir Magdalena, spatially explicit version


Load packages library(raster) library(viridisLite) library(future) library(foreach) library(xtable) library(sf) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) library(tidyverse) library(popbio) # library(velox) library(steps) library(gridExtra) library(rasterVis) ############################### # resolve namespace conflicts ###################...

14799 sym R (36091 sym/66 pcs) 38 img

Abundance, N-Mixture for Setophaga_striata


Load packages library(readxl) library (coda) library (jagsUI) library (tidyverse) library (MCMCvis) library(reshape2) library(lubridate) library(sf) library(mapview) library(raster) Load Data Joining Unillanos and GAICA data sets ########################################################################## # Full data set # Unilllanos a...

715 sym R (30009 sym/49 pcs) 3 img

Abundance, N-Mixture for Crotophaga ani


#Load packages library(readxl) library (coda) library (jagsUI) library (tidyverse) library (MCMCvis) library(reshape2) library(lubridate) library(sf) library(mapview) Load Data Joining Unillanos and GAICA data sets ########################################################################## # Full data set # Unilllanos and GAICA # 164 ...

600 sym R (25954 sym/39 pcs) 1 img



Load tables library(readxl) library(raster) library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(mapview) pasivas<- read_excel("C:/Users/usuario/Desktop/SCMas/grabaciones de Murcielagos.xlsx", sheet = "pasiva") pasivas$Noches_log <- log(as.numeric(pasivas$Noches) ) referencia <- read_excel("C:/Users/usuario/Desktop/SCMas/grabaciones de Murcielagos.xl...

102 sym R (1828 sym/6 pcs) 1 tbl




6 sym

Multi-Species Occu model Caqueta


Dorazio-Royle Community model with covariates This is a Multi-Species occupancy model (Dorazio-Royle) with covariates and data augmentation. Aunque el modelo permite el modelando de la abundancia y el número de especies, la respuesta que estamos buscando esta enfocada en el hiperparametro de la ocupación para toda la comunidad de mamíferos. # ...

3818 sym R (16996 sym/18 pcs) 13 img

Promops Niche comparison


Package installation Wallace uses the following R packages that must be installed and loaded before starting. library(spocc) library(spThin) library(dismo) library(maxnet) library(rgeos) library(ENMeval) library(dplyr) library(mapview) library(sf) library(readxl) library(readr) library(knitr) library(rmarkdown) #Load and see Data N...

4614 sym R (15076 sym/63 pcs) 10 img

Mammalogy Notes


Load packages library (rgdal) # basic maps and coords library (maptools) # tools to convert library (sf) # spatial maps library (mapview) # nice html maps library (spatstat) # distance maps library (raster) # raster library (readxl) # read excel data library (tidyverse) # Data handling library (dplyr) # Data frames handling library (ggm...

783 sym R (20101 sym/20 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl

Monitoreo Acústico en Destinos Turisticos


Resultados del Monitoreo Acústico Awake Hitos Column chart1 260 Chart 2 27 Chart 3 167 Chart 3 526.332 Chart 3 217 Column Anfitriones subiendo información a la plataforma Participación de mujeres Chart 3 42 Chart 3 18 Column Resumen de metodos y resultados Capacitaciones Realizamos talleres presenciales con los anfitri...

2405 sym R (12819 sym/1 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl