Publications by Diana Plunkett

D Plunkett 607 Week 5


Introduction: It is not clear when this data is from. Guidelines on who is eligible to be vaccinated, and what “fully vaccinated” means (original 1 or 2 shots? + 1 booster? + 2 boosters?) have changed over time. The total population of ISR was just over 9.2M in 2020, but the sum of the population subsets given here is just under 7M, so a segm...

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D Plunkett 607 Week 9


Introduction Here I will use the NYTimes books API. I will call to the bestsellers history list, with the names and titles of 10 books that are frequently banned. From the results, I will parse out the number of weeks on the list, and chart those by title. Libraries ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────...

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D Plunkett 607 Final Project


Libraries library(tidyverse) library(scales) library(GGally) library(magrittr) library(psych) Introduction About PLDS: This is an annual census survey of all public libraries in the US. The most recent data available is 2019. We will pull in 2015-2019. This project will focus on Circulation, and what might impact it. Certain additional variables...

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DATA 607: Recommendation Systems


Overview When most people think of recommendation systems, they think of collaborative filtering, which uses “similarities between users and items simultaneously to provide recommendations” (Google Developers, 2021). At it’s most basic: if persons A and B like thing 1, and person A likes thing 2, person B is expected to like thing 2 as well...

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