Publications by Diana Plunkett

605 Wk 12 Discussion


library(tidyverse) library(openintro) library(ggfortify) Data Human Freedom Index The Human Freedom Index is a report that attempts to summarize the idea of “freedom” through a bunch of different variables for many countries around the globe. It serves as a rough objective measure for the relationships between the different types of freedom - ...

2799 sym R (3158 sym/17 pcs) 3 img

605 Wk11 Discussion - Regression model on trees


Using R, build a regression model for data that interests you. Conduct residual analysis. Was the linear model appropriate? Why or why not? library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.1 ── ## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.5 ...

3487 sym R (1905 sym/15 pcs) 5 img

605 HW11


Using the “cars” dataset in R, build a linear model for stopping distance as a function of speed and replicate the analysis of your textbook chapter 3 (visualization, quality evaluation of the model, and residual analysis.) References: Following the process from chapter 3 of Linear Regression Using R: An Introduction to Data Modeling, 2nd Editi...

1966 sym 5 img

605 HW10


Smith is in jail and has 1 dollar; he can get out on bail if he has 8 dollars. A guard agrees to make a series of bets with him. If Smith bets A dollars, he wins A dollars with probability .4 and loses A dollars with probability .6. Find the probability that he wins 8 dollars before losing all of his money if a he bets 1 dollar each time (timid st...

1393 sym

605 HW9


#11 pg 363 in Probability Text The price of one share of stock in the Pilsdorff Beer Company (see Exercise 8.2.12) is given by Yn on the nth day of the year. Finn observes that the differences Xn = Yn+1 − Yn appear to be independent random variables with a common distribution having mean μ = 0 and variance σ^2 = 1/4. If Y1 = 100, estimate the ...

3325 sym

605 HW8


#11 (from pg 303 of Probability Text) A company buys 100 lightbulbs, each of which has an exponential lifetime of 1000 hours. What is the expected time for the first of these bulbs to burn out? (See exercise 10.) [ for reference, exercise 10 is: Let X1, X2, . . . , Xn be n independent random variables each of which has an exponential density with ...

2053 sym

605 Assigment 7


Problem 1 Let X1, X2, . . . , Xn be n mutually independent random variables, each of which is uniformly distributed on the integers from 1 to k. Let Y denote the minimum of the Xi’s. Find the distribution of Y. Just putting this here for reference: Uniform Distribution \(P (c \leq x \leq d) = \frac{(d-c)}{b-a}\) where the Uniform distribution is ...

4146 sym

605 HW6


Problem 1 A bag contains 5 green and 7 red jellybeans. How many ways can 5 jellybeans be withdrawn from the bag so that the number of green ones withdrawn will be less than 2? To satify the condition that green<2, we can pick 5 red OR we can pick 4 red and 1 green. \(\binom{7}{5} + \binom{7}{4} \cdot \binom{5}{1}\) Recall: \(\binom{n}{x} = \frac{n!...

6987 sym

605 Assigment 5


Problem 1 1.1 (Bayesian). A new test for multinucleoside-resistant (MNR) human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants was recently developed. The test maintains 96% sensitivity, meaning that, for those with the disease, it will correctly report “positive” for 96% of them. The test is also 98% specific, meaning that, for those without t...

12096 sym

605 HW4


Starting with the Eigenshoes code that Dr. Larry Fulton shared in class, with some modifications and comments to explain each step. Also used Diego Herrero’s Face Recognition using Eigenfaces, which provided a good explanation of each step. Variables & Files num=17 # 17 ...

1320 sym Python (4696 sym/13 pcs) 4 img