Publications by Devin Teran



Overview We’re going to load a html, xml and json file from GitHub into R dataframe. These files all contain information on my top 3 favorites books. The files were created in Sublime Text. Once loaded, we will look to see if any of the dataframes are different. Librarys Needed To do this the following libraries will need to be loaded in R: * ...

1360 sym R (565 sym/4 pcs) 4 tbl

Drug Analysis


Overview Data Source: This dataset includes survey data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The results show which age groups have used drugs over the past month, past year, and over their lifetime. The age groups include ‘Ages 12 and Older’,‘Ages 12 to 17’, ‘Ages 18 to 25...

5741 sym R (6804 sym/11 pcs) 7 img 2 tbl

Analyze video game sales and ratings


Overview Data Source: We’re going to analyze video game data from kaggle, which outlines game genre types, sales numbers, critic and user ratings, and more. Note: there are some games that users did not rate potentially because those games aren’t for commercial use (e.g. genre ‘educat...

2127 sym R (4404 sym/9 pcs) 3 img

Analyze marriage trends across different regions


Overview Data Source: This dataset includes data about the number of marriages per 1,000 total population from 1990 to 2016. The data is broken apart into census regions, census division, and state. Cleaning the Data Importing the data This data is being loaded into a dataframe from a csv stored on Gi...

2270 sym R (5219 sym/14 pcs) 3 img 3 tbl

Data 607 - Assignment 3


##Overview: This assignment using regular expressions in R. Introduction Problem 1: Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” git_...

1967 sym R (5010 sym/25 pcs)

Assignment1 - 02.02.2020 - Devin Teran


Halloween Candy Analysis Overview: Article can be found at: This article analyzes the most popular halloween candy based on an internet survey. The survey presented two candies side by side and asked users to choose their favorite. The user was then s...

1391 sym R (2901 sym/8 pcs)

Assignment 2


Latest movie analysis Overview: This analyis focuses on the most popular movies from a short survey from volunteers. The survey included 6 movies and participants ranked their favorites from 1-5. Additional information was retrieved from This site ranks movies from 0% (a rotten movie) to 100% (a ripe tomato). The data ranked t...

2246 sym R (3422 sym/15 pcs) 3 img



Overview The objective of this project is to import and clean a set of data about chess tournament player performance. The output will be a csv which contains the following information: Players.Name Players.State Total.Number.of.Points Players.Pre_Rating Average.Pre.Chess.Rating.of.Opponents Gary Hua ON 6 1794 1605 Retrieve Data The da...

1850 sym R (5396 sym/10 pcs) 7 tbl

Data 607 - Assignment 2


Overview The purpose of the project is the following: 1. Read in flight data 2. Tidy the data 3. Compare flight delays across the airlines: AM WEST and ALASKA As stated by Hadley Wickham on, we’re going to make this data tidy by enforcing the following rules: There are three interrelated rules which make a...

2559 sym R (1896 sym/11 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl

Project 3


Overview The purpose of Project 3 is to use data to answer the question, “Which are the most valued data science skills?”. After initial brainstorming, we determined to use the following dataset to perform analysis: The dataset takes data related job posting...

9173 sym R (12554 sym/14 pcs) 6 img