Publications by Devin Teran
Final Project DATA 606 Part 1 - Introduction Part 2 - Data Part 3 - Exploratory data analysis Import & Clean Data Variables Multiple Regression Part 4: Inference Part 5: Conclusion References Devin Teran Part 1 - Introduction We’re going to be investigating if specific characters of county residents can help us predict whether or not a res...
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Final Project Research Objective Data Sources: Necessary R Packages: Gather Data Daily Presidential White House Briefings Stock Market Data Trump Approval Ratings Cleaning Data Clean WH Briefing Data Clean Approval Ratings Data Analysis White House Briefing & Sentiment Analysis Trump approval ratings analysis Stock Market Performance Twitter ...
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Project 4 - Spam Email Overview Libraries Needed: Get Spam Data Create spam corpus Get Non-Spam (Ham) Email Data Create ham corpus Remove Stop Words Combine the ham and spam document Spam Word Cloud Setting up test & training data Prediction Resources Devin Teran 4/25/2020 Overview During this project we’re going to use a set of spam and...
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Introduction We will see some uses of the dplyr package by loading a data set of contestants on the Bachelorette season’s 11-15. library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff,...
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Netflix Recommender System Introduction Scenario Design for Netflix: Scenario Design for Customers: Reverse Engineer Site Homepage Layout Image Personalization Recommendations on Improvements: Resources: Devin Teran & Gabe Abreu Introduction Netflix is a pioneering media streaming service. It contains thousands of movies and tv series from a...
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Overview This code is a replica of the code found in the book, Text Mining with R, in Chapter 2: Sentiment Analysis with Tidy Data. tidy_books <- austen_books() %>% group_by(book) %>% mutate(linenumber = row_number(), chapter = cumsum(str_detect(text, regex("^chapter [\\divxlc]", igno...
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Overview Overview This code begins by loading the book, Alice in Wonderland, from the Gutenburg Project. This site has released over 60,000 free books online for the public to read. From there we will analyze the sentiment of each sentence in the book, using the package Syuzhet. This package will score each sentence with a negative number being ...
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Designing Graphs for User Accessibility Designing Graphs for User Accessibility What is Color Blindess? Color blindness is when people can’t distinguish colors Affects approximately 8% of population of men, 0.5% of women Issues distinguishing red & green is most common Color Brewer Online RColorBrewer Package dis...
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Data607-NYT API
Data607-Assignment9 Overview Connect to API View Raw Data Cleaner Data Devin Teran 3/28/2020 Overview The goal for this assignment is to connect and retrieve JSON data using the New York Times Movie Review API. Once connected, we want to put this data into a dataframe and view the dataframe. Necessary libraries: library(jsonlite) library(st...
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stringr: a package used to manipulate strings Ordering Strings Combining Strings Replacing Strings Get the Length of a String Devin Teran 2020-03-28 Getting started First we need to load these packages: tidyverse stringr dplyr - used for subsetting data in our analysis rmdformats - used to for styling html document We’re going to load ...
2934 sym R (2486 sym/19 pcs)