Publications by cameron

Using the booktabs package with Sweave and xtable


The xtable package in R can output R data as latex tables. Used in conjunction with Sweave it is possible to automatically generate tables in a report. Needless to say this provides a really appealing possibility of never typing data into a table again. The only problem is that I think the default latex tables don’t look that great. Enter boo...

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Sweave Engine for TeXShop


Sweave is an awesome utility for including the output of R code in a LaTeX document which I have started using regularly. TeXShop is my favorite editor/viewer for LaTeX under Mac OS X for many reasons. One of which is the speed of the edit -> compile -> view process which it enables. Therefore, I have been reluctant to use Sweave in the past bec...

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Development of tikzDevice is underway


Development of the R package tikzDevice has been underway for about a month now. This package allows for the output of R graphics as TikZ commands. Charlie Sharpsteen and I have gotten it into an alpha stage. There is no real documentation but there is plenty of comments in the code. We have a R-forge project where binary packages can be downlo...

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Beta Verson of tikzDevice Released!


The tikzDevice package provides a new graphics device for R which enables direct output of graphics in a LaTeX-friendly way. The device output consists of files containing instructions for the TikZ graphics language and may be imported directly into LaTeX documents using the \input{} command. The beta version of tikzDevice is now available here. ...

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swfDevice is nearing completion


My new R package, swfDevice, is getting close to its first release. This package enables native R graphics output as swf (flash) files. It also as the ability to create animations with player controls. The main project page is here and the results of the test suite are here. Here are some samples:

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Using Git with R-Forge OR Adding an local Git branch to track an Subversion Repo


These instructions were originally from instructions from my friend Charlie. I really like to use Github but R-Forge has alot of nice features for package development, so why not get the best of both worlds. Say you have a git repo (with an R package or something else) but want to create a local brach which tracks an svn repo (from R-Forge) such ...

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swfDevice: Help Wanted (Windows Build) and Outlook


swfDevice is an R package I am developing that produces swf (flash) files natively from R. If anyone can step up and help get a working windows build up and running that would be great! I have little expertise with windows and I am just about stuck as what to do next. The task involved linking to some precompiled dlls and such since ming depends ...

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pgfSweave now on CRAN


At long last pgfSweave has finally made its way to CRAN. The pgfSweave R package is about speed and style of graphics. For speed, the package provides capabilities for “caching” graphics generated with Sweave on top of the caching funcitonality of cacheSweave. For style the pgfSweave...

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pgfSweave version 1.0.5 released


Version 1.0.5 is now on CRAN. This version brings some bug fixes as well as two new features: Unlabeled code chunks are now allowed. The correct version of PGF is now checked for on startup. If the version is < 2.00, the package will fail to load. Related To leave a comment for the ...

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Automated way to check for PGF version


This is one way to check for the version of PGF that is installed in an automated way. First create a tex file with the following contents: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \batchmode \makeatletter \typeout{PGFVersion=\pgfversion} \@@end Say you named it test-pgf-version.tex. Then: pdflatex test-pgf-version.tex cat test-pgf-verson.l...

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