Publications by cameron

pgfSweave 1.1.0 now on CRAN!


The next release of pgfSweave is now on CRAN! It has been a while since I posted about pgfSweave and there have been some significant changes in the past couple of months. The main new features are: Automatic code highlighting via the highlight package. This can be turned off with the highlight option. “Tidying” of source code output via t...

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pgfSweave 1.1.3 and Beyond


pgfSweave 1.1.3 is now on CRAN. This release adds a few new features and fixes some bugs The pesky Rplots.pdf file is not generated anymore Brand new vignette by Hans Ekbrand on the use of pgfSweave with large data sets based on this site. New example on using caching by Yihui Xie Reusing code chunks […] Related To leave a commen...

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There is a new version of pgfSweave, and its awesome!


I just uploaded version 1.2.1 of pgfSweave, and I think it is just great! The most notable new feature is the use of the TikZ externalization library list and make feature instead of the pgf \begingraphicnamed functionality. This has some important consequences: PGF 2.10 is required! This has been out for some months now but […] R...

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Using tikzDevice with Sweave in R 2.13


R 2.13 introduces an option to specify a custom graphics device in an Sweave code chunk. This is really cool and allows you to use tikzDevice output like pgfSweave does. In an pinch, say when you dont have access to any non-core packages, you can use tikzDevice output with the regular Sweave driver (RweaveLatex) more […] Related ...

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Synctex with Sweave/pgfSweave in TeXShop/TeXWorks


Ever been editing an .Rnw (Sweave) file and tried to sync a pdf with the source in TeXShop (or TeXWorks) and had it open the .tex file? This is because the synctex information (in the .synctex.gz file) is messed up. Both TeXShop and TeXWorks support synctex, that means that if everything is groovy, we should […] Related To leave ...

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Syntax highlighting of roxygen documentation in TextMate


With roxygen now on github, the release of roxygen2 and Hadley’s might now behind the project I expect roxygen to gain even more momentum. R development in TextMate is great with the R bundle. Unfortunately the R bundle does not support highlighting of roxygen documentation by default. That was always a sticking point for me […] ...

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Who wants to maintain pgfSweave?


So the time has come for me to face the fact that I have no time to maintain pgfSweave. It was recently archived because I didn’t make necessary changes to comply with some CRAN policies. SO, I need someone to step up to the plate to make some tweakes, put it back up on CRAN […] Related To leave a comment for the author, please...

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Finally, an easy way to fix the horizontal lines in ggplot2 maps


ggplot2 tries to make it super easy to add country or state borders to your map, and for the most part it works great as long as you include the entire map region in your plot (all the states or the entire world map for example). A long standing issue with the ggplot2 borders() function […] Related To leave a comment for the auth...

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