Publications by Bob Muenchen

Analytics Software Popularity Update: Counting Blogs, Simplifying Job Searches


My latest update to The Popularity of Data Analysis Software is an attempt to use blog counts to estimate the popularity of analytics software. While I was able to greatly broaden the coverage of packages when studying job data, I made very little progress on the blog measure, adding new coverage for only Python and updating the previous counts f...

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SAS, SPSS, Stata Users: Learn R from Home April 21


Has learning R been driving you a bit crazy? If so, it may be that you’re “lost in translation.” On April 21 and 23, I’ll be teaching a webinar, R for SAS, SPSS and Stata Users. With each R concept, I’ll introduce it using terminology that you already know, then translate it into R’s very different view of the world. You’ll be follo...

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Learn to Manage Data at useR! 2014 or Online April 25


Before you can analyze data, it must be in the right form. Join me on April 25th for a 4-hour webinar that shows how to perform the most commonly used data management tasks in R. We will work through hands-on examples of R’s popular add-on packages such as plyr, reshape, stringr, lubridate and sqldf. I’ll also be presenting a 3-hour version...

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R Continues Its Rapid Growth


I’ve just updated the section below from The Popularity of Data Analysis Software. Note that the overall article is still under construction and all the figure numbers have changed from previous versions. Growth in Capability The capability of analytics software has grown significantly over the years. It would be helpful to be able to plot the ...

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JMBayes R package (webinar)


A free webinar will provide an introduction to the “JMBayes” R package which provides methods for Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data under a Bayesian Approach. Webinar Format: – Introduction to Joint Models and the JMBayes R package – Live demonstration – Question and Answer period Speaker: – Dimitris Rizopoulos, JM...

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jpmml and R (Free Webinar)


This free, global webinar will provide an introduction to jpmml, the world’s leading open-source PMML scoring engine currently being utilized by companies such as Airbnb to rapidly deploy predictive models into production. Webinar Format: – What is PMML? – Building a predictive model in R and exporting it to PMML format – Deploying a PMML...

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Knoxville R Users’ Group Meets September 3rd


The Knoxville R Users Group (KRUG) is hosting a brown bag viewing of RStudio’s webinar “Interactive Reporting” at 11am, Weds 3-Sept-2014 in 427 Hesler on the UTK campus “Hill” .  Per, data scientist Garrett Grolemund and software engineer Joe Cheng will speak on how to make your R Markdown documents interactive, and then un...

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R Passes SPSS in Scholarly Use, Stata Growing Rapidly


by Robert A. Muenchen Here is my latest update to The Popularity of Data Analysis Software. To save you the trouble of reading all 25 pages of that article, the new section is below. The two most interesting nuggets it contains are: As I covered in my talk at the UseR 2014 meeting, it is very likely that during the summer of 2014, R became the...

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R Workshops Updated to Include the Latest Packages


Two new R packages are quickly becoming standards in the R community: Hadley Wickham’s dplyr and tidyr. The dplyr package almost completely replaces his popular plyr package for data manipulation. Most importantly for general R use, it makes it much easier to select variables.  For example, R workshop series presented at a major pharmaceutica...

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Adding the SPSS MEAN.n Function to R


SPSS contains a very useful set of functions that R lacks. If you’re lucky enough to have access to SPSS, you can use SPSS and R very well together. If not, it’s easy to add these functions to R. The functions perform calculations across values within each observation. Rather than limit you to removing missing values or not, they let you spec...

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