Publications by Bob Muenchen
SAS, SPSS, Stata Users: Learn R from Home June 17
Has learning R been driving you a bit crazy? If so, it may be that you’re “lost in translation.” On June 17 and 19, I’ll be teaching a webinar, R for SAS, SPSS and Stata Users. With each R concept, I’ll introduce it using terminology that you already know, then translate it into R’s very different view of the world. You’ll be foll...
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Forecast Update: Will 2014 be the Beginning of the End for SAS and SPSS?
I recently updated my plots of the data analysis tools used in academia in my ongoing article, The Popularity of Data Analysis Software. I repeat those here and update my previous forecast of data analysis software usage. Learning to use a data analysis tool well takes significant effort, so people tend to continue using the tool they learned in ...
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SAS Dominates Analytics Job Market; R up 42%
I’m continuing to gather and analyze data to update The Popularity of Data Analysis Software. In this installment I cover the latest employment figures. Employment is important to us all, so what software skills are employers seeking? A thorough answer to this question would require a time consuming content analysis of job descriptions. However...
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Webinar: Managing Data with R
Before you can analyze data, it must be in the right form. Join Revolution Analytics and me this June 21st for a 4-hour webinar that shows how to perform the most commonly used data management tasks in R. We will work through hands-on examples of R’s popular add-on packages such as plyr, reshape, stringr and lubridate. Many examples come fro...
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Trends in the Analytics Job Market
Tracking the job market for statistics, analytics, data mining and the like used to be a major undertaking. However, on November 10, 2011 the world’s largest web site for job postings,, released a tool that allows you to examine trends of your own choosing. David Smith, of Revolution Analytics, recently used this tool to compare the...
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Learn R and/or Data Management from Home October 7-11
If you want to learn R, or improve your current R skills, join me for two workshops that I’m offering through Revolution Analytics in October. If you already know another analytics package, the workshop, Intro to R for SAS, SPSS and Stata Users may be for you. With each R concept, I’ll introduce it using terminology that you already know, ...
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What R Has Been Missing
While R has more methods than any other analytics software, it has been missing a crucial feature found in most other packages. SPSS Modeler had it first, way back when they still called it Clementine. Then SAS Institute realized how crucial it was to productivity and added it to Enterprise Miner. As its reputation spread, it was added to Rapid...
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Knoxville R User’s Group Meeting November 1
The next meeting of the Knoxville R User’s Group will consist of four 20-minute talks followed by an open planning session. It will take place on Friday, November 1, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at The University of Tennessee, Haslam Business Administration Building, room 403 (1000 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN). RSVP at
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Learn R and/or Data Management from Home January or April
If you want to learn R, or improve your current R skills, join me for two workshops that I’m offering through Revolution Analytics in January and April. If you already know another analytics package, the workshop, Intro to R for SAS, SPSS and Stata Users may be for you. With each R concept, I’ll introduce it using terminology that you alread...
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Job Trends in the Analytics Market: New, Improved, now Fortified with C, Java, MATLAB, Python, Julia and Many More!
I’m expanding the coverage of my article, The Popularity of Data Analysis Software. This is the first installment, which includes a new opening and a greatly expanded analysis of the analytics job market. Here it is, from the abstract onward through the first section… Abstract: This article presents various ways of measuring the popularity or...
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