Publications by BayesianN

My current location


This is where I live leaflet This is where I live Bongani Ncube library(leaflet) leaflet() |> addTiles() |> addMarkers(lat=-17.8625074,lng=31.1127107,popup="My current location")...

80 sym

fitness dashboard


Ncube fitness training dashboard Overview Row Total number of members recorded 1500 maximum months as member 148 attendance proportion 30.27 % mean weight of attendees column Proportion of attendees attendence status vs numeric variables Histograms Row histogram of months as a member log transformed data Counts Row category ,att...

667 sym R (10220 sym/1 pcs) 10 img 3 tbl

data.table vs tidyverse vs base R


Base R vs Tidyverse vs data.table Base R vs Tidyverse vs data.table Introduction library setup Reading in data data wrangling and processing data exploration filtering ranges summarizing data summarise on filters Advanced computations Bongani Ncube Introduction One of the many reasons why people do not like R is be...

3465 sym 1 img



In this tutorial i will show you it’s easy to learn R’s dplyr together with SQL. I show some of the most similar ways of handling data in R and SQL Introduction learning to code in more than one software at once is no easy pizzy but it’s much easy if the two softwares have some form of resemblence in them . In this tutorial i will show y...

5709 sym

movies recommendation


Set up library(kableExtra) library(tidyverse) library(tvthemes) library(ggthemes) library(scales) library(magrittr) out_new<-vroom::vroom("movies.csv") out_new |> head(10) |> kable(table.attr = "style = \"color: black;\"") |> kable_styling(fixed_thead = T) |> scroll_box(height = "400px") …1 release_date movie produc...

31285 sym Python (12488 sym/38 pcs) 23 img 5 tbl

Recipe Site Project


Recipe Site Traffic Recommendation system Prediction Assignment Recipe Site Traffic Recommendation system 1. Data Validation load in necessary packages overview of the data set look at the missing values data wrangling and exploration Data visualisation Correlations box plots Histogram let’s visually ...

6058 sym 14 img

Recipe site Project Code


Recipe Site Traffic Recommendation system Prediction Assignment Recipe Site Traffic Recommendation system 1. Data Validation load in necessary packages overview of the data set look at the missing values data wrangling and exploration Data visualisation Correlations box plots Histogram let’s visually ...

6075 sym Python (13407 sym/29 pcs) 14 img

Factors affecting survival of brain cancer patients


Introduction Brain Cancers include primary brain tumours which starts in the brain and almost never spread to other parts of the body and secondary tumours which are caused by cancers that began in another part of the body . There are more than 40 major types of brain tumours, which are grouped into two main types: benign - slow-growing and un...

39497 sym 12 img 6 tbl