Publications by BayesianN

Abnormal blood pressure


library(gtsummary) library(readr) #Read Tabular Dat library(tidyverse) library(magrittr) #Pipe Operators library(stringr) #Work with Strings library(forcats) #Work with Factors library(skimr) #Data Summary library(patchwork) #ggplot grids library(GGally) #Scatterplot Matrice library(VIM) library(naniar) library(gt) load the dataset out_...

3642 sym 9 img 4 tbl

final proffessional presentation


product sales Analysis Proffessional Data analyst assignment product sales Analysis Data validation How many customers were there for each approach? What does the spread of the revenue look like overall? And for each method? correlations proportion of revenue Was there any difference in revenue over time for eac...

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final presentation with code


product sales Analysis Proffessional Data analyst assignment product sales Analysis Data validation How many customers were there for each approach? What does the spread of the revenue look like overall? And for each method? correlations proportion of revenue Was there any difference in revenue over time for eac...

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Doing statistical analysis

11.10.2023 + 263 77 497 9514 Github profile Rpubs Personal website Linkedin Introduction This presentation provide hands-on instruction covering basic statistical analysis in R. This will cover descriptive statistics, t-tests, linear models, chi-square. We will also cover methods for “tidying” model results for downstream vi...

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bayesian logistic regression


Modeling Car Insurance Claim using Bayesian Logistic : Part 1 Data Science nuggets Modeling Car Insurance Claim using Bayesian Logistic : Part 1 Introduction Background Building the logistic regression model Setup Bayesian Logistic regression Likelihood Bayesian Logistic Regression in R Car Insuarance data The datas...

6683 sym Python (16058 sym/22 pcs) 8 img 1 tbl

Bayesian logistic regression


Modeling Car Insurance Claim using Bayesian Logistic : Part 1 Data Science nuggets Modeling Car Insurance Claim using Bayesian Logistic : Part 1 Introduction Background Building the logistic regression model Setup Bayesian Logistic regression Likelihood Bayesian Logistic Regression in R Car Insuarance data The datas...

6474 sym Python (13768 sym/16 pcs) 4 img 1 tbl

tree based models


Classification trees Overview Tree-based models have advantages Interpretability + Ease-of-use + Accuracy Make decisions + Numeric predictions Build a classification tree Library setup library(rpart) library(rpart.plot) library(tidymodels) library(ModelMetrics) library(caret) A classification tree is a decision tree that performs a class...

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logistic regression


Types Of Modeling Techniques Logistic regression Why not linear regression Linear Regression Model Takeaways takeaways Deriving Logistic Regression Multivariable logistic regression model Interpreting the coefficients Gentle introduction to Logistic Regression Bongani ...

6444 sym Python (6996 sym/8 pcs) 4 img



creating neat tables creating neat tables setup output 1 summaries Customize tbl_summary() output 2 Notes Customize tbl_summary() output 3 renaming output 4 few notes Add-on functions in {gtsummary} Update tbl_summary() with add_*() output some notes Update tbl_summary() with add_*() output Update tbl_summary() with ...

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Reproducible research


Data science community is plagued by reproducibility issues.This post serves to address some of the barriers to reproducible research and how to start to address some of those problems during the data management and analysis phases of the research life cycle. I will then present a brief introduction to Rmarkdown . This post assumes that you kno...

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