Publications by Anastasia Bernat
Modeling - Distance
Winter 2020 Flight Trials: Distance Flight Modeling Flight Trials Winter 2020 Dataset was conducted from 2/17/2020 - 3/10/2020. Soapberry bugs were flight tested twice for multiple hours in the flight mill and observed from 8 AM to (5-8 PM) each day. Used multivariate (glm) and mixed effect modeling (glmer) to analyze the flight results. Problem...
4747 sym R (55381 sym/262 pcs) 44 img
GLS - Wing Data
#knitr::purl("wing_gls.Rmd", output = "wing_gls.R") # convert Rmd to R script GLS The gls() function fits a linear model using generalized least squares. The errors are allowed to be correlated and/or have unequal variances. This function is used in time series analyses. AR Conclusion From the wing_timeseries.Rmd script, the following was concl...
4665 sym R (12647 sym/41 pcs) 3 img
GLMs - Wing Data
#knitr::purl("wing_stats.Rmd", output = "wing_stats.R") # convert Rmd to R script Base statistics of all morphology for wing morph and wing2body ratio (in long-winged bugs). Conclusion from the wing_timeseries.Rmd: Found no significant temporal dependencies. Determined that most time series were nonstationary and all ts were an AR(0) process [whi...
4417 sym R (42207 sym/146 pcs) 58 img
Plots - Wing Data
#knitr::purl("wing_plots.Rmd", output = "wing_plots.R") # convert Rmd to R script Cleaning Data and Sourcing Scripts source_path = "~/Desktop/git_repositories/SBB-dispersal/avbernat/Rsrc/" script_names = c("compare_models.R", "regression_output.R", "clean_morph_data.R", "remove_torn_wings.R") ...
442 sym R (9964 sym/31 pcs) 6 img
Loess - Wing Data
#knitr::purl("wing_loess.Rmd", output = "wing_loess.R") # convert Rmd to R script Cleaning Data and Sourcing Scripts source_path = "~/Desktop/git_repositories/SBB-dispersal/avbernat/Rsrc/" script_names = c("compare_models.R", "regression_output.R", "clean_morph_data.R", "AICprobabilities.R", ...
2229 sym R (62020 sym/101 pcs) 12 img
PCA - AllMorph
# knitr::purl("morph_PCA.Rmd", output = "morph_PCA.R") # convert Rmd to R script PCA Functions Round <- function(number){ # for plotting x <- round(number, 1) if(x%%1 == 0){ return(paste(as.character(x), ".0", sep = "")) } else{ return(x) } } PCA_graphs <- function(dataset, PCA_title){ # cos2 and the alpha.var: alpha.var ...
186 sym R (9777 sym/28 pcs) 19 img
Modeling Mass Draft
Winter 2020 Flight Trials: Mass Modeling Flight Trials Winter 2020 Dataset was conducted from 2/17/2020 - 3/10/2020. Soapberry bugs were flight tested twice for multiple hours in the flight mill and observed from 8 AM to (5-8 PM) each day. Used multivariate (lm) and mixed effect modeling (lmer) to analyze the mass results. All Data Cleaning Data...
5600 sym R (61984 sym/284 pcs) 50 img
Flight Trial Tables
source_path = "~/Desktop/git_repositories/SBB-dispersal/avbernat/Rsrc/" script_names = c("center_flight_data.R", # Re-centers data "clean_flight_data.R" # Loads and cleans data ) for (script in script_names) { path = paste0(source_path, script) source(path) } ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The ...
239 sym R (883 sym/6 pcs) 23 tbl
Female Flight Response - Interactive Graph
Using plotly to create interactive plots.(e.g. d = read.csv("data/animate_eggs-perc.csv") no_fly_color = 'rgb(224, 59, 40)' T1_fly_color = 'rgb(69, 84, 255)' both_fly_color = 'black' ax_label = 24 ax_num = 25 line_width = 3 fig <- plot_ly(d, x = ~mass_per[1:6], y = ~No[1:6], type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', ...
86 sym R (3217 sym/3 pcs)
Modeling Morphology Draft
Winter 2020 Flight Trials: Morphology Modeling Flight Trials Winter 2020 Dataset was conducted from 2/17/2020 - 3/10/2020. Soapberry bugs were flight tested twice for multiple hours in the flight mill and observed from 8 AM to (5-8 PM) each day. No morphological covariates were included for thorax width or body length (just looked at sex, host, a...
3680 sym R (20039 sym/95 pcs) 9 img