Publications by Anastasia Bernat

Problem Set 1 - Solutions


Problem Set 1 | 27 March 2020 - 31 March 2020 Below I made a list of small practice problems that you can test out. I provide helpful information here and there, and I encourage you to use google to your advantage to get used to going on Stack Exchange or other coding Q&A websites to help you figure out these problems. Understanding Basic Data T...

3666 sym R (3526 sym/36 pcs)

Lesson 5 - Loop Practice


Lesson 5 | 1 April 2020 While Loops In R programming, while loops are used to loop until a specific condition is met. While the condition of the test expression/condition is TRUE the block of instructions runs UNTIL the test expression evaluates to FALSE. The logical condition of the while loop is typically expressed by the comparison between a ...

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Lesson 4 - Loop Practice


Lesson 4 | 27 March 2020 A Re-Introduction to Loops in R According to the R base manual, among the control flow commands, the loop constructs are for, while and repeat, with the additional clauses *break and next. Control flow commands are the commands that enable a program to branch between alternatives, or to “take decisions”, so to speak....

2383 sym R (1279 sym/3 pcs) 1 img

R Markdown Practice 3


Lesson 3 | 3 Feb 2020 Data Types in R: Numbers (which includes integers and floats: e.g. 6.88 and 1) Strings (which includes anything in quotations). Strings in R imply a character vector. Not sure what a data type is? use the class() function String Specific Functions: print() cat() - The cat function can be used to concatenate strings and ...

2374 sym R (2674 sym/28 pcs)

R Markdown Practice 1


Lesson 1 | 17 Jan 2020 This lesson’s goal. To learn how to perform data analysis for morphology data in R. What is RStudio and R Markdown? R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R Markdown is a file format for making dynamic documents with R (similar to other typesetting softwares like LaTeX). Be sure to Knit ...

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R Markdown Practice 2


Lesson 2 | 31 Jan 2020 Reading and exploring the data (with style) For example, to add striped lines (alternative row colors) to your table and you want to highlight the hovered row, you can simply type: The option condensed can also be handy in many cases when you don’t want your table to be too large. It has slightly shorter row height. For ...

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Data Science Basics Continued


Lesson 14 | 24 June 2020 Data Science Basics Continued: Revisiting Functions and Statistical Applications I’ve shown you some basic data statistics and a couple lessons on functions, but let’s revisit the two in a more interactive way. data_frame <- tibble( c1 = rnorm(50, 5, 1.5), c2 = rnorm(50, 5, 1.5), c3 = rnorm(50, 5, 1.5), ...

1688 sym R (1185 sym/4 pcs) 1 img



Winter 2020 Flight Trials: Distance Flight Modeling Flight Trials Winter 2020 Dataset was conducted from 2/17/2020 - 3/10/2020. Soapberry bugs were flight tested twice for multiple hours in the flight mill and observed from 8 AM to (5-8 PM) each day. Used multivariate (glm) and mixed effect modeling (glmer) to analyze the flight results. All Dat...

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Winter 2020 Flight Trials: Binomial Flight Modeling Flight Trials Winter 2020 Dataset was conducted from 2/17/2020 - 3/10/2020. Soapberry bugs were flight tested twice for multiple hours in the flight mill and observed from 8 AM to (5-8 PM) each day. Used multivariate (glm) and mixed effect modeling (glmer) to analyze the flight results. All Tri...

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Modeling - S


Winter 2020 Flight Trials: Speed Flight Modeling Flight Trials Winter 2020 Dataset was conducted from 2/17/2020 - 3/10/2020. Soapberry bugs were flight tested twice for multiple hours in the flight mill and observed from 8 AM to (5-8 PM) each day. Used multivariate (glm) and mixed effect modeling (glmer) to analyze the flight results. All Flyers...

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