Publications by Appsilon

Last Call for Proposals – Appsilon Shiny Conference


The Appsilon Shiny Conference is on April 17-29, 2022. Only two months left to go until the big event. And with March right around the corner, that means the call for proposals is closing soon. Submit now to share your project, packages, and Shiny applications with the global Shiny community. Join the biggest names in R/Shiny at the biggest Shiny...

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Proposal Deadline Extension – March 13


Call for proposals extended to March 13. Appsilon encourages new voices to present at the Shiny Conference. This includes Shiny users of all backgrounds and skill levels. Submit an abstract proposal for the Appsilon Shiny Conference on 27-29 April 2022.  We’ve received strong engagement from enterprises. However, we want to allow more time for...

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