Publications by Appsilon

The State of Shiny Survey: An Essential Tool for Data Scientists


The adoption of Shiny, the R package for building interactive web applications, is growing. As a leader in R Shiny development for enterprises, we’re asking you, fellow users of R and Shiny, to discuss the current state of Shiny in 2023 and its outlook for the future. We would like to invite you to take part in our “State of Shiny 2023” surve...

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The State of Shiny Survey: An Essential Tool for Data Scientists


The adoption of Shiny, the R package for building interactive web applications, is growing. As a leader in R Shiny development for enterprises, we’re asking you, fellow users of R and Shiny, to discuss the current state of Shiny in 2023 and its outlook for the future.We would like to invite you to take part in our “State of Shiny 2023” survey...

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ShinyConf 2022 – Short Recap of the 2022 R Shiny Conference (Projects, Talks, and Showcases)


ShinyConf 2023 begins this week! With a great lineup of speakers and showcases this year, we thought we’d recap a small handful of last year’s recorded talks. 2022 was a big year for R Shiny. Our Appsilon R Shiny Conference resulted in close to 20 hours of materials covering tech talks, showcases, and projects – all spread out over 31 videos....

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europeanaR: Exploring A Digitized Art Database with Shiny


Art provides insight into the experiences and values of a culture. We see parallels between Shiny and art. Both are canvases for sharing insight. They are used to transform information or ideas in a way that connects with people. In this spirit, our developers built EuropeanaR, a Shiny app for exploring Europe’s digitized collection of art and ...

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Shiny Showcase Recap from the Shiny Weekly Newsletter


The end of the year is approaching and it’s been a big one for R programming and the Shiny development community. As Shiny adoption continues to grow and R programming secures its place as a top data science language, we wanted to reflect on the impressive content the community has produced. We reviewed the Shiny Showcase dashboard examples fro...

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PP-YOLO Object Detection Algorithm: Why It’s Faster than YOLOv4


Introduction to PP-YOLOPP-YOLO (or PaddlePaddle YOLO) is a machine learning object detection framework based on the YOLO (You Only Look Once) object detection algorithm. PP-YOLO is not a new kind of object detection framework. Rather, PP-YOLO is a modified version of YOLOv4 with an improved inference speed and mAP score. These improvements are ac...

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Python Pandas vs. R dplyr – Which Data Analysis Library is the best for 2022


Pandas vs. dplyrUpdated: March 9, 2022.Python vs. R? Pandas vs. dplyr? It’s difficult to find the ultimate go-to library for data analysis. Both R and Python provide excellent options, so the question quickly becomes “which data analysis library is the most convenient”. Today’s article aims to answer this question, assuming you’re equal...

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Intermediate SQL for Data Science – Analytical Functions Deep Dive


Intermediate SQL for Data ScienceRunning data queries in the database can offer significant speed improvements over doing so in R or Python. There’s no need to drag the entire dataset to memory and run the calculations once the loading completes. The runtime differences can be drastic, depending on the dataset size.That’s why SQL is your best...

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Why Posit Means Growth for the R Community


Whether you heard it in person at rstudio::conf(2022) or caught the news through the internet grapevine, RStudio PBC is rebranding itself to – Posit PBC.  As with most changes, this has come with mixed feelings from the R community. Most are excited to expand RStudio products into a language agnostic data science ecosystem. And yet, some fear...

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Appsilon Shiny Conference Panels


The first annual Appsilon Shiny Conference – a conference for Shiny enthusiasts everywhere – is almost here. If you haven’t already, be sure to register and join the 1600+ Shiny users who’ve already registered. Discover the future of Shiny and how developers, researchers, and enterprises are making the most of their data with Shiny. Netwo...

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