Publications by Allen Baiju, Helena Lindsay, and Max St John

Analyzing Sentiments Surrounding the Recent Surge in Popularity of 'Lactate Threshold' Training Through Reddit Data


# Package names packages <- c("RedditExtractoR", "anytime", "magrittr", "ggplot2", "dplyr", "tidytext", "tidyverse", "igraph", "ggraph", "tidyr", "wordcloud2", "textdata", "sf", "tmap") # Install packages not yet installed installed_packages <- packages %in% rownames(installed.packages()) if (any(installed_packages == FALSE)) { install.packages(pa...

11529 sym R (37515 sym/46 pcs) 16 img 5 tbl

Liveliness Example


Data Exploration #score <- read.csv("/Users/helenalindsay/Documents/Fall_23/CP8883/Computer_Vision/locations_qscore_combined.csv") score <- read.csv("/Users/helenalindsay/Documents/Fall_23/CP8883/Computer_Vision/Filtered_data/all_filtered.csv") score <- score %>% filter(loc.0 >= 33.62109 & loc.0 <= 33.90101 & loc.1 >= -84.55241 & loc.1 <...

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Liveliness Example


Data Exploration score <- read.csv("/Users/helenalindsay/Documents/Fall_23/CP8883/Computer_Vision/locations_qscore_combined.csv") score_sf <- score %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("loc.1", "loc.0"), crs = 4326) tmap_mode("view") map <- tm_basemap("Esri.WorldTopoMap")+ tm_shape(score_sf) + tm_dots(col = "num_votes", style="quantile", palette = 'viri...

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Liveliness Example


Data Exploration score <- read.csv("/Users/helenalindsay/Documents/Fall_23/CP8883/Computer_Vision/locations_qscore_combined.csv") score_sf <- score %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("loc.1", "loc.0"), crs = 4326) tmap_mode("view") map <- tm_basemap("Esri.WorldTopoMap")+ tm_shape(score_sf) + tm_dots(col = "num_votes", style="quantile", palette = 'viri...

377 sym R (23043 sym/51 pcs) 9 img

Major Assignment3- Analysis of Walkability Through OSM, GSV, and Computer Vision


This assignment consists of three main sections. In the first section, you need to select one Census Tract that you think is the most walkable and another one that you think is least walkable within Fulton and DeKalb Counties, GA. As long as the two Census Tracts are within the two counties, you can pick any two you want. If the area you want to us...

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Travel Time Analysis Using GTFS, OSM, and Census Data


Task description There are a few main components in this assignment - home location, road networks, transit network, and destination. We will simulate a journey that starts from the starting point (e.g., home), drives to nearest MARTA rail station, transfers to MARTA rail transit, and finally arrives at Midtown station (i.e., an employment center)....

3249 sym R (16452 sym/15 pcs) 2 img 4 tbl

Travel Time Analysis Using GTFS, OSM, and Census Data


Task description There are a few main components in this assignment - home location, road networks, transit network, and destination. We will simulate a journey that starts from the starting point (e.g., home), drives to nearest MARTA rail station, transfers to MARTA rail transit, and finally arrives at Midtown station (i.e., an employment center)....

3249 sym R (16851 sym/15 pcs) 2 img 4 tbl

Regression Tree, Random Forest


crime <- read.delim('/Users/helenalindsay/Documents/Fall_23/ISYE6501/hw5/uscrime.txt') Q10.1 Regression tree model #install.packages("rpart") library(rpart) tree_model <- rpart(Crime ~ ., data = crime) print(tree_model) ## n= 47 ## ## node), split, n, deviance, yval ## * denotes terminal node ## ## 1) root 47 6880928.0 905.0851 ## 2...

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Stepwise, Lasso, Elastic Net


Preparation of the library and dataset rm(list = ls()) # install.packages("MASS") # install.packages("glmnet") library(MASS) library(glmnet) uscrime <- read.table("/Users/helenalindsay/Documents/Fall_23/ISYE6501/hw7/uscrime.txt", header = TRUE) Stepwise Regression stepwiseAIC <- stepAIC(lm(Crime ~., data = uscrime), direction = "both") ## Start: ...

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Neighborhood Characteristics and Yelp Reviews


coffee <- read.csv("/Users/helenalindsay/Documents/Fall_23/CP8883/Mini4/coffee.csv")%>% select(-X) Plot 1 ggplot(data = coffee) + geom_boxplot(aes(x=factor(avg_rating), y=hhincome), fill = "white", color = "black")+ labs(x = "Average Rating", y = "Household Income") The plot implies that the higher household income relates ...

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