Publications by Eghorieta /



The Waltons.csv contains genotypes and number of days survived in Drosophila. Column ‘T’ includes days survived. Column ‘E’ indicates events (1- death, 0-censored). Column ‘group’ indicates genotypes. For this experiment we would Fit a Weibull distribution to miR-137 group and control group respectively and provide the following resul...

699 sym Python (3234 sym/12 pcs) 6 img 6 tbl



In an experiment, twenty test devices are stressed to investigate dielectric breakdown strength. The test was concluded at 600 hours at which time 18 units had failed. Investigate the distribution and plot the results to determine if the weibull distribution is a reasonable fit to the data. Estimate the parameters of the distribution from the gra...

1010 sym R (1138 sym/8 pcs) 2 img

Survival Analysis of Heart Failure patients


Survival Analysis of Heart Failure patients¶This Project is a study of the patients survival rate due to heart failure condition. One of the premise of this study is that it was based on other researches on Cardiovascular diseases of the heart, which has become very common in medical profession. For more understanding on ths study use link below...

8713 sym Python (19812 sym/41 pcs) 16 img 17 tbl

Finals Project ISQS 6350


INTRODUCTION The use of solar power has become more prominent in the United States (U.S.) especially because of its affordability and environmental benefits. Due to the increased use of solar power in the U.S., Stanford started a project involving the mapping of solar panel installations across the U.S using satellite imagery. To generate more in...

3236 sym R (182 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

factorial design multiple factors


Ammonium \(H_o : \alpha_i = 0\) \(H_a: \alpha_i \ne 0\) StirRate \(H_o: \beta_j = 0\) \(H_a: \beta_j \ne 0\) Temperature \(H~o: \gamma_k = 0\) \(H~a: \gamma_k \ne 0\) \(H~o: \alpha\beta_{ij} = 0\) \(H~a: \alpha\beta_{ij} \ne 0\) \(H~o: \alpha\gamma_{ik} = 0\) \(H~a: \alpha\gamma_{ik} \ne 0\) \(H~o: \beta\gamma_{jk} = 0\) \(H~a: \beta\gamma_{jk} \...

1496 sym R (2997 sym/12 pcs) 1 img

factorial design exercise


A<-rep(seq(1:2),each=6) B<-rep(seq(1:3),4) A<-as.factor(A) B<-as.factor(B) obs<-c(4.6,10.15,11.01,4.4,10.2,10.58,3.2,9.38,10.81,3.5,10.02,10.60) model<-aov(obs~A*B) summary(model) ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## A 1 0.98 0.98 15.26 0.00793 ** ## B 2 111.19 55.59 865.16 4.13e-08 *** ## A:B...

9 sym R (747 sym/4 pcs)

Nested Designs


Question 14.3 A manufacturing engineer is studying the dimension- al variability of a particular component that is produced on three machines. Each machine has two spindles, and four components are randomly selected from each spindle. The results follow. Analyze the data, assuming that machines and spindles are fixed factors. Ho: \(\alpha_{i} = 0...

891 sym R (848 sym/5 pcs) 1 tbl

Homework 13


Question 8.2 Suppose that in Problem 6.15, only a one-half fraction of the 24 design could be run. Construct the design and per- form the analysis, using the data from replicate I. Design model ## Loading required package: DoE.base ## Loading required package: grid ## Loading required package: ## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'D...

4549 sym R (20954 sym/35 pcs) 8 img

Project Assignment part 3


Data Collection Layout For \(2^4\) factorial design, we used design.ab to generate one replication of a run order for our \(2^4\) factorial design ## plots r A B C D ## 1 101 1 1 1 2 1 ## 2 102 1 1 1 2 2 ## 3 103 1 1 2 1 2 ## 4 104 1 2 2 2 1 ## 5 105 1 2 1 2 1 ## 6 106 1 2 2 2 2 ## 7 107 1 1 2 2 2 ## 8 108 1 1 2 2 1 ## ...

1635 sym R (3272 sym/7 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl

2^k Designs


Question 6.8 Ho: \(\alpha_{i} = 0\) - Null Hypothesis Ha: \(\alpha_{i} \ne 0\) - Alternative Hypothesis Ho: \(\beta_{j} = 0\) - Null Hypothesis Ha: \(\beta_{j} \ne 0\) - Alternative Hypothesis Ho: \(\alpha \beta_{ij} = 0\) - Null Hypothesis Ha: \(\alpha \beta_{ij} \ne 0\) - Alternative Hypothesis Model Equation \(y_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_{i} + \bet...

4570 sym R (22225 sym/82 pcs) 23 img