Publications by Eghorieta /
urldata<-read.csv("") Males<-urldata[1:65,3] summary(Males) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 58.00 70.00 73.00 73.37 78.00 86.00 sd(Males) ## [1] 5.875184 hist(Males, col = blues9) qqnorm(Males, main="Normal probability plot of Mal...
310 sym R (1628 sym/15 pcs) 5 img
Group 2 Assignment Review
For this assignment, we will be submitting a webpage with the requested analysis of the data. The html link (only) will be submitted through blackboard. The webpage will be created with RMarkdown and analysis self-contained (i.e. all data manipulation, analysis, plotting, etc. should be done within R). The code that was used will be included and...
4832 sym R (3281 sym/19 pcs) 7 img
Homework 2
Question 2.24 a) Hypothesis to be tested Ho: \(\mu_1 = \mu_2\) - Null Hypothesis Ha: \(\mu_1 \neq \mu_2\) - Alternative Hypothesis where: \(\sigma^2_1\) = 0.015, \(\sigma^2_2\) = 0.018, \(n_1\) = 10, \(n_2\) = 10 \(\mu_1\) is the mean of machine 1 \(\mu_2\) is the mean of machine 2 \(\sigma^2_1\) is variance of machine 1 \(\sigma^2_2\) is vairanc...
5053 sym R (7626 sym/37 pcs) 7 img
Assignment 6
1a) Ho: \(\mu_1 = \mu_2\) - Null Hypothesis Ha: \(\mu_1 \neq \mu_2\) - Alternative Hypothesis \(\sigma^2_1\) = 19.2, \(\sigma^2_2\) = 15.6, \(n_1\) = 10, \(n_2\) = 10 \(\mu_1\) is the mean of Aspirin 1 \(\mu_2\) is the mean of Aspirin 2 \(\sigma^2_1\) is variance of Aspirin 1 \(\sigma^2_2\) is vairance of Aspirin 2 1b) t.test(person$AspirinA, per...
1191 sym R (1398 sym/16 pcs) 1 img
Analysis of variance
Question 3.10a Test Hypothesis Ho: \(\mu_1 = \mu_2 = \mu_3 = \mu_4 = \mu_5\) - Null Hypothesis Ha: At least 1 differs - Alternative Hypothesis w1<-data.frame("cottonstrength"=c(7,7,15,11,9)) w2<-data.frame("cottonstrength"=c(12,17,12,18,18)) w3<-data.frame("cottonstrength"=c(14,19,19,18,18)) w4<-data.frame("cottonstrength"=c(19,25,22,19,23)) w5<-...
2006 sym R (4409 sym/22 pcs) 1 img
Project 1
Determining the sample size for each treatment library(pwr) pwr.anova.test(k=3,n=NULL,f=sqrt((.5)^2),sig.level=0.05,power=.75) ## ## Balanced one-way analysis of variance power calculation ## ## k = 3 ## n = 12.50714 ## f = 0.5 ## sig.level = 0.05 ## power = 0.75 ## ## NOTE: n is ...
1517 sym R (2182 sym/11 pcs) 6 img
Experiment to Test Effects of Pin Elevation and Release Angle on Distance Part 2
a) State model equation with the null and alternative hypotheses to be tested. In addition, state the level of significance that will be used in your analysis. Ho: \(\alpha_{i} = 0\) - Null Hypothesis Ha: \(\alpha_{i} \ne 0\) - Alternative Hypothesis Ho: \(\beta_{i} = 0\) - Null Hypothesis Ha: \(\beta_{i} \ne 0\) - Alternative Hypothesis Ho: \(\a...
2361 sym R (5023 sym/20 pcs) 7 img
Homework 12
Question 7.12 Consider the potting experiment in Problem 6.21. Analyze the data considering each replicate as a block. Its a \(2^4\) design with 7 replicates. Each replicate has 16 runs, therefore each block will also have 16 runs ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## block 6 376 62.7 0.728 0.6284 ## A ...
1498 sym R (1693 sym/4 pcs) 1 img
Design of Experiments
Project For Design of Experments For our Design of Experiment Project, we created three different parts which looked at three different design of experiments designs. The three different experiment designs that we preformed were a completely randomized design , a factorial design , and \(2^4\) factorial design. Completely Randomized Design ## #...
5974 sym R (7898 sym/13 pcs) 12 img 2 tbl