Publications by Aaron Robotham & Dan Taranu
ProTools Workshop
First this to do is get all the data you need for this workshop, it is at ProTools Workshop. Next install and load the CRAN packages we need: install.packages('remotes') install.packages('data.table') install.packages('Rcpp') install.packages('foreach') install.packages('magicaxis') install.packages('celestial') library(remotes) library(data.table)...
5883 sym R (26783 sym/137 pcs) 34 img
ProGeny: The Children of Stars
ProGeny: The Children of Stars Aaron Robotham 2024-10-22 Load what we will need: library(ProGeny) library(ProSpect) ## Loading required package: ProSpectData ## Loading required package: Rcpp ## ## Attaching package: 'ProSpect' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:ProGeny': ## ## binlims, IMF_Chabrier, IMF_Kroupa, IMF_Salpeter li...
2964 sym Python (13187 sym/134 pcs) 36 img
ProGeny: Make All The Things!
ProGeny: Make All The Things! Aaron Robotham 2024-10-22 First we load the libraries. ProGeny and Rfits or available at GitHub/asgr. library(ProGeny) library(Rfits) library(fst) library(data.table) Set some paths (these need to be correct for your system). path_to_isochrone = 'ProGeny_isochrone/' path_to_atmos = 'ProGeny_atmos/' path_to_SSP = 'ProGe...
1371 sym
ProGeny: The Children of Stars
ProGeny: The Children of Stars Aaron Robotham 2024-10-09 Load what we will need: library(ProGeny) library(ProSpect) ## Loading required package: ProSpectData ## Loading required package: Rcpp ## ## Attaching package: 'ProSpect' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:ProGeny': ## ## binlims, IMF_Chabrier, IMF_Kroupa, IMF_Salpeter li...
2931 sym Python (12647 sym/135 pcs) 36 img
Methods in the Madness
Methods in the Madness Aaron Robotham 2024-01-19 Rfits comes with a number of useful methods that operate on Rfits_image and Rfits_pointer objects. Using these you can do a lot of useful thing! library(Rfits) library(Rwcs) Subsetting First we will load up an image in RAM (temp_image) and as a pointer to the disk object (temp_point) file_image = sy...
2056 sym 11 img
ProFit: Galaxy Fitting Example
ProFit: Galaxy Fitting Example Aaron Robotham & Dan Taranu 2023-03-16 Get the latest version of ProFit: library(devtools) install_github('ICRAR/ProFit') First load the libraries we need: library(ProFit) ## Loading required package: Rfits ## Loading required package: magicaxis Prepare the test data Next we load a table of data describing GAMA galax...
7585 sym 1 img
ProFit: PSF Fitting Example
ProFit: PSF Fitting Example Aaron Robotham 2023-03-16 Get the latest version of ProFit: library(devtools) install_github('ICRAR/ProFit') First load the libraries we need: library(ProFit) ## Loading required package: Rfits ## Loading required package: magicaxis Prepare the test data Next we load a table of data describing GAMA galaxies: data('Examp...
3683 sym 3 img
Lost and ProFound: Tips and Tricks
Lost and ProFound: Tips and Tricks Aaron Robotham 2023-03-15 Load boring things library(ProFound) ## Loading required package: Rfits ## Loading required package: magicaxis ## Loading required package: Rcpp library(Rfits) library(Rwcs) General advice Pass in an image with a WCS attached (as per Rfits_read_image [Rfits], read.fits [astro], readFITS...
1890 sym
ProFound: Colour Me Happy
ProFound: Colour Me Happy Aaron Robotham 2023-03-15 Get the latest version of ProFound and ProFit: library(devtools) install_github('asgr/ProFound') install_github('ICRAR/ProFit') Set global evaluate (basically TRUE for GitHub version and FALSE for CRAN): evalglobal=TRUE First load the libraries we need: library(ProFound) ## Loading required packag...
5756 sym 22 img
ProFound/ProFit: A Complex Fit
ProFound/ProFit: A Complex Fit Aaron Robotham 2023-03-15 Get the latest version of ProFound and ProFit: library(devtools) install_github('asgr/ProFound') install_github('ICRAR/ProFit') Set global evaluate (basically TRUE for GitHub version and FALSE for CRAN): evalglobal=TRUE First load the libraries we need: library(ProFound) ## Loading required p...
2371 sym Python (10717 sym/97 pcs) 7 img