Publications by Aaron Robotham & Dan Taranu

ProFound: Segmentation Maps


ProFound: Segmentation Maps Aaron Robotham 2023-03-15 Get the latest version of ProFound and ProFit: library(devtools) install_github('asgr/ProFound') install_github('ICRAR/ProFit') Set global evaluate (basically TRUE for GitHub version and FALSE for CRAN): evalglobal=TRUE First load the libraries we need: library(ProFit) ## Loading required packag...

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ProFound: Stacking Images


ProFound: Stacking Images Aaron Robotham 2023-03-15 Get the latest version of ProFound and ProFit: library(devtools) install_github('asgr/ProFound') install_github('ICRAR/ProFit') Set global evaluate (basically TRUE for GitHub version and FALSE for CRAN): evalglobal=TRUE First of all we load ProFit and ProFound. We also need to use LaplacesDemon be...

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ProPane: That Was the Tweak That Was


ProPane Tweak: That Was the Tweak That Was Aaron Robotham 2023-03-08 First we load the packages we will need for this vignette: library(ProPane) library(Rfits) library(magicaxis) Directly Tweaking Image Pixels We will start with out usual demo image: image = Rfits_read_image(system.file('extdata/VIKING/mystery_VIKING_Z.fits', package="ProFound")...

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ProMo: Let's do the Space Warp Again!


ProMo: Let’s do the Space Warp Again! Aaron Robotham 2023-01-23 First we load the packages we will need for this vignette: library(Rwcs) library(Rfits) library(foreach) library(magicaxis) The Rwcs package comes with key utilities for warping between different WCS systems: Rwcs_warp (for warping individual frames once) and Rwcs_stack for creating ...

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Arrow Datasets


Here we are going to see how to work with the R arrow package to make a CSV and Parquet backed database, strictly an arrow Dataset. This allows for larger than memory processing of data that is big enough to bit on your RAID array, but too big to safely process in RAM (you as standard need no less than x2 the size of the object to do anything oth...

6691 sym R (10083 sym/55 pcs)

ProSpect: Filter Transforms


Filter Transforms Aaron Robotham 2020-04-20 In astronomy we often have filters that are similar but annoyingly different to each other. For instance the Sloan \(ugri\) filter set are all similar to, but not identical to, the VST \(ugri\) filters. In fact in detail probably almost no two telescopes have identical versions of the same filters (even ...

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ProFound: Tips and Tricks


Lost and ProFound: Tips and Tricks Aaron Robotham 2020-01-14 Load boring things library(ProFound) ## Loading required package: FITSio ## Loading required package: Rcpp library(FITSio) General advice Pass in an image with a WCS attached (as per Rfits_read_image [Rfits], read.fits [astro], readFITS [FITSio]). You can always plot the output of prof...

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ProSpect: Extra Galactic Background Light


Extra Galactic Background Light Aaron Robotham 2020-01-15 The Extra Galactic Background Light (EBL) is the flux density observed across all wavelengths of light. It is dominated by the CMB, followed by the optical and NIR (about 10-20%). There are a few ways to measure it, but my work has focussed on the method of integrating out the number counts...

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ProFound MultiBand Stack


Multiband Stacking Aaron Robotham 2020-12-21 library(ProFound) ## Loading required package: FITSio ## Loading required package: magicaxis ## Loading required package: Rcpp library(Rfits) R Markdown First we load some images. im_r = Rfits_read_image(system.file("extdata", 'MultiBand/r.fits', package="ProFound"),ext=2)$imDat im_i = Rfits_read_image...

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ProFit: Found 2 Fit


ProFit: Found 2 Fit Aaron Robotham 2021-02-23 In this vignette we will demonstrate fitting in the most automated mode available in ProFit. This is very high level, but hopefully usefully so in many cases. Users who need finer level control should look at some of the other vignettes that break various phases we do automatically here into more manua...

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