Publications by Tim Salabim

Introducing the ‘gimms’ package


This is a guest post by Florian Detsch What it is all about With the most recent update of the AVHRR GIMMS data collection to NDVI3g (Pinzon and Tucker, 2014), we decided to create a package from all functions we have written so far to download and process GIMMS binary files from the NASA ECOCAST server. The package is called gimms and features ...

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mapview 1.0.0 now on CRAN


we are happy to announce that mapview 1.0.0 has been released on CRAN. Together with Florian Detsch (R, Rcpp), Christoph Reudenbach (js) and Stefan Woellauer (js) we have put together a powerful tool for on-the-fly mapping of spatial data during the workflow. In addition to the existing functionality described in my earlier mail, we have: 1) made...

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