Publications by Tim Salabim
metvurst now a package, repository moved to GitHub
Inspired by a post on PirateGrunt, I finally managed to pack metvurst up and turn it into a proper R-Package (the fact that I’m on holiday and have some time also helped). As a side-effect of this, the repository has been moved from google code to GitHub. As I use RStudio for developping R-code, this shift seemed inevitable, as the integrat...
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Creating publication quality graphics using R
As part of a one-day workshop, I have developped an online tutorial on how to create publication quality graphics using R (from an academic point of view). The tutorial can be found here As mentioned in the tutorial, feel free to send me any ...
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Update to metvurst
Here's a quick update to metvurst in response to some issues encountered over the last weeks. The most important change is that the strip() function now returns the plot object rather than printing it. This means that we can work with it afterwards. Given that all plotting is implemented using lattice/latticeExtra this seems natural and is now be...
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Reot: Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections in R
We are happy to introduce Reot, an R package designed for empirical orthogonal teleconnection (EOT) analysis of gridded geo-scientific space-time data based on the method by van den Dool et al. (2000). EOT denotes a regression-based approach to decompose spatio-temporal fields into a set of independent orthogonal patterns. In contrast to the clas...
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Introducing Rsenal – magic R functions for things various
Today, I would like to quickly introduce our package “Rsenal”. It is basically a collection of R functions that we use in our daily lives at Environmental Informatics Marburg. The package is hosted at GitHub and can be installed using the install_github() function from package devtools. This package is the opposite of a 'general purpose' pac...
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remote is the new Reot
If you have used Reot before and tried to install it from CRAN recently, you may have noticed the following message: Warning in install.packages : package ‘Reot’ is not available (for R version 3.0.2) This is because the Reot package was abandoned due to a name change suggested by Huug van den Dool, the author of the EOT algorithm and also ...
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Unsupervised Google Maps image classification
This is a guest post by Florian Detsch Prerequisites Required packages First, we need to (install and) load some packages required for data processing and visualization. The below code is mainly based on the Rsenal package, which is a steadily developing, unofficial R library maintained by the Environmental Informatics working group at Philipps-...
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remote update, paper & poster
Just a few quick lines today to announce an update to the remote package (1.0.0 now on CRAN) We have uploaded a first major release of remote to CRAN a couple of weeks ago. Most relevant changes are: bottleneck functions deseason() and denoise() now implemented in C++ (user can decide whether to use C++ implementation or original R version via ...
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mapView: basic interactive viewing of spatial data in R
Working with spatial data in R I find myself quite often in the need to quickly visually check whether a certain analysis has produced reasonable results. There are two ways I usually do this. Either I: (sp)plot the data in R and then toggle back and forth between the static plots (I use RStudio) or save the data to the disk and then open in QGI...
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mapview 0.5.0
I have put some more effort into mapview. The current version 0.5.0 has some new features which make the whole experience much more user-friendly. In a nutshell, changes/additions are as follows: mapView() is now also defined for SpatialPixelsDataFrame all Spatial * DataFrame methods have gained argument zcol to select specific columns from the ...
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