Publications by Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.5
A new bugfix release 0.2.5 of RcppCCTZ got onto CRAN this morning – just a good week after the previous release. RcppCCTZ uses Rcpp to bring CCTZ to R. CCTZ is a C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times using the rules of a time zone. In fact, it is two libraries. One for dealing with civil time: human-readable dates and tim...
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RApiDatetime 0.0.4: Updates and Extensions
The first update in a little while brings us release 0.0.4 of RApiDatetime which got onto CRAN this morning via the lovely automated sequence of submission, pretest-recheck and pretest-publish. RApiDatetime provides seven entry points for C-level functions of the R API for Date and Datetime calculations. The functions asPOSIXlt and asPOSIXct conv...
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RcppTOML 0.1.4: Now with TOML v0.5.0
A new version of our RcppTOML package just arrived on CRAN. It wraps an updated version of the cpptoml parser which, after a correction or two, now brings support for TOML v0.5.0 – which is still rather rare. RcppTOML brings TOML to R. TOML is a file format that is most suitable for configurations, as it is meant to be edited by humans but read...
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RcppRedis 0.1.9
A new minor release of RcppRedis arrived on CRAN earlier today. RcppRedis is one of several packages to connect R to the fabulous Redis in-memory datastructure store (and much more). RcppRedis does not pretend to be feature complete, but it may do some things faster than the other interfaces, and also offers an optional coupling with MessagePack ...
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RcppTOML 0.1.5: Small extensions
Coming on the heels of last week’s RcppTOML 0.1.4 release bringing support for TOML v0.5.0, we have a new release 0.1.5 on CRAN with better encoding support as well as support for the time type. RcppTOML brings TOML to R. TOML is a file format that is most suitable for configurations, as it is meant to be edited by humans but read by computers....
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RcppAnnoy 0.0.11
A new release of RcppAnnoy is now on CRAN. RcppAnnoy is the Rcpp-based R integration of the nifty Annoy library by Erik. Annoy is a small and lightweight C++ template header library for very fast approximate nearest neighbours—originally developed to drive the famous Spotify music discovery algorithm. This release updates to a new upstream vers...
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RProtoBuf 0.4.13 (and 0.4.12)
A new release 0.4.13 of RProtoBuf got onto CRAN a few hours ago. RProtoBuf provides R with bindings for the Google Protocol Buffers (“ProtoBuf”) data encoding and serialization library used and released by Google, and deployed fairly widely in numerous projects as a language and operating-system agnostic protocol. It would also appear that I ...
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Happy 10th Bday, Rcpp – and welcome release 1.0 !!
Ten years ago today I wrote the NEWS.Rd entry in this screenshot for the very first Rcpp_release: First Rcpp release So Happy Tenth Birthday, Rcpp !! It has been quite a ride. Nearly 1500 packages on CRAN, or about one in nine (!!), rely on Rcpp to marshall data between R and C++, and to extend R with performant C++ code. Rcpp would not exist w...
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anytime 0.3.2
A new minor release of the anytime package arrived on CRAN this morning. This is the thirteenth release, and the first since July as the package has gotten feature-complete. anytime is a very focused package aiming to do just one thing really well: to convert anything in integer, numeric, character, factor, ordered, … format to either POSIXct o...
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Rcpp 1.0.0: The Tenth Birthday Release
As mentioned here two days ago, the Rcpp package turned ten on Monday—and we used to opportunity to mark the current version as 1.0.0! Thanks to everybody who liked and retweeted our tweet about this. And of course, once more a really big Thank You! to everybody who helped along this journey: Rcpp Core team, contributors, bug reporters, worksho...
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