Publications by Thinking inside the box

R / Finance 2015 Open for Registration


The annoucement below just went to the R-SIG-Finance list. More information is as usual at the R / Finance page. Registration for R/Finance 2015 is now open! The conference will take place on May 29 and 30, at UIC in Chicago. Building on the success of the previous conferences in 2009-2014, we expect more than 250 attendees from around the world...

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drat 0.0.3: More features, more fixes, more documentation


Several weeks ago we introduced the drat package. Its name stands for drat R Archive Template, and it helps with easy-to-create and easy-to-use repositories for R packages. Two early blog posts describe drat: First Steps Towards Lightweight Repositories, and Publishing a Package, and since the previous release, a a guest post on drat was also add...

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inline 0.3.14


The inline package facilitates writing code in-line in simple string expressions or short files. The package is mature and in maintenance mode: Rcpp used it greatly for several years but then moved on to Rcpp Attributes so we have a much limited need for extensions to inline. But we now have a new inline version 0.3.14. It brings both a few minor...

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Introducing ghrr: GitHub Hosted R Repository


Background R relies on package repositories for initial installation of a package via install.packages(). A crucial second step is update.packages(): For all currently installed packages, a list of available updates is constructed or offered for either one-by-one or bulk updates. This keeps the local packages in sync with upstream, and provides f...

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A new major version 5.000 of Armadillo was released by Conrad a couple of days ago. Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use with a syntax deliberately close to a Matlab. This version brings several new functions for sparse matrices, and automagicall...

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RcppTOML 0.0.3: A New Approach to Configuration Files


A small project I worked on during the last few weeks has now come together in new package RcppTOML which arrived on CRAN yesterday. It provides R with a reader for TOML files. TOML stands for Tom’s Obvious Markup Language. And before you roll your eyes, glance at the TOML site. It really is different, and has a number of rather wonderful featu...

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Finance-YahooQuote 0.25 hotfix


A hotfix release for the Finance-YahooQuote Perl module on CPAN is now available. Available Yahoo! Finance decided to change the base URL. My thanks to Nicola Chiapolini who not only noticed but also sent me the one-line patch fixing this: --- 2010-03-27 01:44:10.000000000 +0100 +++ 2015-04-29 11:31:20.4079...

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A new minor release 5.100.1 of Armadillo was released by Conrad yesterday. Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use with a syntax deliberately close to a Matlab. Our corresponding RcppArmadillo release also reached CRAN and Debian yesterd...

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Rcpp 0.11.6


The new release 0.11.5 of Rcpp arrived on the CRAN network for GNU R yesterday; the corresponding Debian package has also been uploaded. Rcpp has become the most popular way of enhancing GNU R with C++ code. As of today, 373 packages on CRAN depend on Rcpp for making analyses go faster and further; BioConductor adds another 57 packages, and casua...

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RcppAnnoy 0.0.6


A few days ago, Erik released a new version of his Annoy library — a small, fast, and lightweight C++ template header library for approximate nearest neighbours — which now no longer requires Boost. While I don’t mind Boost (actually, quite the opposite), it appears to have been a blocker in getting the Python part of Annoy over to the worl...

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