Publications by Thinking inside the box
RcppExamples 0.1.4
An updated version 0.1.4 of the RcppExamples package is now on on CRAN. RcppExamples contains a few illustrations of how to use Rcpp. The NEWS entry is below: a new example was added illustrating use of the (vectorised) random-number generators for three of the different distributions — and showing how it perfectly reproduces the values o...
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RInside 0.2.7
A new version 0.2.7 of RInside is now available via CRAN. RInside provides a set of convenience classes which facilitate embedding of R inside of C++ applications and programs, using the classes and functions provided by the Rcpp R and C++ integration package. This release adds two new examples subdirectories demonstrating use of RInside with...
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Follow-up to Counting CRAN Package Depends, Imports and LinkingTo
A few days ago, I blogged about visualizing CRAN dependency ranks which turned out to be a somewhat popular post. David Smith followed-up at the REvo blog suggesting to exclude packages already shipping with R (which is indicated by their ‘Recommended’ priority). Good idea! So here is an updated version, where we limit the display to the top...
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Faster creation of binomial matrices
Scott Chamberlain blogged about faster creation of binomial matrices the other day, and even referred to our RcppArmadillo package as a possible solution (though claiming he didn’t get it to work, tst tst — that is what the rcpp-devel list is here to help with). The post also fell short of a good aggregated timing comparison for which we lov...
5233 sym R (2260 sym/11 pcs)
A new major released of Armadillo came out earlier today. I prepared the corresponding RcppArmadillo package which also arrived on CRAN earlier today. This released contains a few performance improvements, the beginnings of support of sparse matrices and more, see below. We also post the NEWS entry for the beta release which was prepared,...
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RInside 0.2.8
This morning version 0.2.8 of RInside arrived on the CRAN sites. RInside provides a set of convenience classes which facilitate embedding of R inside of C++ applications and programs, using the classes and functions provided by the Rcpp R and C++ integration package. This release adds no new features but improves the build process a little a...
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Conrad released the bug-fix release 3.4.1 of Armadillo earlier today, and the corresponding RcppArmadillo package is already on CRAN. No R level or interface changes were, the upstream changes are summarized below. Changes in RcppArmadillo version (2012-09-18) Upgraded to Armadillo release 3.4.1 workaround for a bug in the ...
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The development of Armadillo 3.4.* continues with bug fixes and more sparse matrix support. Conrad release 3.4.2 this morning. I wrapped up the corresponding RcppArmadillo before leaving for work, and this version should now have all CRAN mirrors. Once again no R level or interface changes were, the upstream changes are summarized below....
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Rcpp 0.9.14
Another release of Rcpp has just appeared on CRAN and was just uploaded to Debian. It addresses yet another issue we had on OS X and should hopefully put the build issues to rest. Three new (vectorized) sugar functions were added, along with some new regression tests and more. The complete NEWS entry for 0.9.14 is below; more details are in the ...
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RProtoBuf 0.2.6
Release 0.2.6 of RProtoBuf arrived on CRAN earlier this morning. RProtoBuf provides GNU R bindings for the Google Protobuf data encoding library used and released by Google. This release was once more driven largely by Murray whom we have now added among the list of authors of the package too. The NEWS file entry follows below: Changes in v...
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