Publications by Thinking inside the box
RcppBDT 0.2.0
A new release of the RcppBDT package appeared on CRAN earlier today. RcppBDT uses Rcpp, and in particular the nifty Rcpp modules feature of wrapping C++ code for R just by declaring the (class or function) interfaces. It uses this to bring in some useful functions from Boost Date.Time to R so that one can do things like R> library(RcppBDT) R>...
2286 sym R (187 sym/1 pcs)
New package RcppCNPy with release 0.1.0 (and 0.0.1 earlier last week)
A few days ago I had blogged about getting NumPy data in R by using a simple converter script. That works fine, but it is a little annoying to have to write an entire file only to read from it again. So I kept looking around for a better solution—and soon found the cnpy library by Carl Rogers which provides simple C++ functions to read and wri...
2996 sym R (1390 sym/2 pcs)
Getting numpy data into R — Take Two
A couple of days ago, I had posted a short Python script to convert numpy files into a simple binary format which R can read quickly. Nice, but still needing an extra file. Shortly thereafter, I found Carl Rogers cnpy library which makes reading and writing numpy files from C++ a breeze, and I quickly wrapped this up into a new package RcppCNPy ...
2197 sym R (938 sym/2 pcs)
Conrad released version 3.2.4 of Armadillo yesterday. It contains a workaround for g++ 4.7.0 and 4.7.1 which have a regression triggered by the Armadillo codebase for small fixed-sized matrices. The corresponding RcppArmadillo package arrived on CRAN earlier today. The short NEWS entry follows below. 2012-07-11 o Upgrad...
987 sym R (136 sym/1 pcs)
RcppGSL 0.2.0
Earlier today, a minor update / maintenance release of RcppGSL—our interface package between R and the GNU GSL using our Rcpp package for seamless R and C++ integration—arrived on on CRAN. It contains a number of minor changes to accomodate changes in the CRAN Policies, as well as a few extension to the main example fastLm, a faster replace...
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RcppClassic 0.9.2
Similar to yesterday’s post about RcppGSL, we have another pure maintenance release to announce, this time of RcppClassic, the package supporting the deprecated older classic Rcpp API defined in the earlier 2005 to 2006 releases, is now on CRAN. There is no new code, as the only changes were made to accomodate CRAN Policy updates. Courtesy of...
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RcppCNPy 0.2.0
Version 0.2.0 of the recently introduced RcppCNPy package for reading/writing NumPy data in R arrived on CRAN earlier today. The main change are the added ability to also write gzip-ed npy files, to suppress an automatic transposition as well as the correction of one memory leak on data read. The NEWS file entry is below: Changes in version 0...
1250 sym
Counting CRAN Package Depends, Imports and LinkingTo
The recent update by Søren Højsgaard’s to his gRbase package for graphical models made it the 75th package to depend on our Rcpp package for R and C++ integration. So in a lighthearted weekend moment, I tweeted about gRbase being number 75 for Rcpp to which Hadley replied, asking if Rcpp was in fact number one among R package Depends. Far fr...
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RcppBDT 0.2.1
A new bug-fix release of the RcppBDT package appeared on CRAN earlier today. David Reiner noticed that the functions getEndOfMonth and getEndOfBizWeek were not working right. These are convenience wrappers around the real functionality provided as a member function to the reference class built by Rcpp modules—which works off a reference instan...
1367 sym
RProtoBuf 0.2.5
A new release 0.2.5 of RProtoBuf is now on CRAN. RProtoBuf provides GNU R bindings for the Google Protobuf data encoding library used and released by Google. This release once again contains a number of patches kindly contributed by Murray Stokely, as well as some updates to conform to CRAN Policy changes. The NEWS file entry follows below:...
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