Publications by Shovan Biswas

Forecaster Toolbox


Forecaster Toolbox Forecaster Toolbox Libraries Exercise 3.1 usnetelec usgdp mcopper enplanements Exercise 3.2 Exercise 3.3 Exercise 3.8 Shovan Biswas 2020/9/12 Libraries library(knitr) library(kableExtra) library(tidyverse) library(gridExtra) library(fpp2) library(readxl) Exercise 3.1 For the following series, find an appropriate Bo...

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Movie Recommender System with Large Dataset


Movie Recommender System with Large Dataset Movie Recommender System with Large Dataset Objectives Libraries Preamble Data Load Data Preview data Clean the Data Data Exploration Create Matrix Selecting the most relevant data Data Visualization Exploring the values of the rating Exploring which animes have been viewed Exploring the average rati...

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Proposal for Movie Recommender System with Large Dataset


Proposal for Movie Recommender System with Large Dataset Proposal for Movie Recommender System with Large Dataset Project Objectives Libraries Data Citation Load Data Preview data Combine Data Deliverables: Projected Workflow: Shovan Biswas 2020/7/06 Project Objectives The goal for your final project is for you to build out a recommender s...

5232 sym R (1012 sym/5 pcs)

How Netflix reads our minds


How Netflix reads our minds Shovan Biswas 2020/06/09 Marker: 612-01_d ...

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Spark for Music Recommendation at Spotify


Spark for Music Recommendation at Spotify Shovan Biswas 2020/06/16 Marker: 612-02_d ...

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Transform Data with Pvot Tibl ggplot2 Reshape


Transform Data with Pvot Tibl ggplot2 Reshape rmarkdown output Problem Statement Git-Hub Loading package Dataset-1: Population Migrations to USA Create a .csv file Converting to tibbles my Approach Transformation, using pivot_longer() Top 10 countries from where people migrated to USA Bottom 10 countries from where people migrated to USA Trend...

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Chess Tournament


Chess Tournament Shovan Biswas 2019/09/20 This is the Markdown file for my project1. The problem statement is as follows: " In this project, you’re given a text file with chess tournament results where the information has some structure. Your job is to create an R Markdown file that generates a .CSV file (that could for example be imported ...

3493 sym R (11300 sym/23 pcs)

Dataframe Transformation


Dataframe Transformation Shovan Biswas 2019/09/26 This is the Markdown file for the my third homework assignment. The problem statement is as follows: Before we begin, let’s get libraries tidyr and dplyr, which we’ll use. library(tidyr) ## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 3.6.3 library(dplyr) ## Warning: package 'dplyr...

2175 sym R (6899 sym/36 pcs)

Reading File And Basic Data Manipulation


Reading File and Basic Data Manipulation Shovan Biswas 2019/08/31 The problem statement is as follows: “Your task is to study the dataset and the associated description of the data (i.e. “data dictionary”). You may need to look around a bit, but it’s there! You should take the data, and create a data frame with a subset of the column...

1633 sym R (560982 sym/7 pcs)

Get data from MySQL database


Get data from MySQL database Shovan Biswas 2019/09/06 This is the Markdown file for the my second homework assignment. The problem statement is as follows: "Choose six recent popular movies. Ask at least five people that you know (friends, family, classmates, imaginary friends) to rate each of these movie that they have seen on a scale of 1 t...

1453 sym R (3004 sym/9 pcs)