Publications by Shovan Biswas

Recommender Systems reinforce human bias?


Recommender Systems reinforce human bias? Recommender Systems reinforce human bias? Research topic Shovan Biswas 2020/06/22 Research topic As more systems and sectors are driven by predictive analytics, there is increasing awareness of the possibility and pitfalls of algorithmic discrimination. In what ways do you think Recommender Systems ...

4571 sym

Mitigating the Harm of Recommender Systems


Mitigating the Harm of Recommender Systems Mitigating the Harm of Recommender Systems Research topic Shovan Biswas 2020/07/01 Research topic Mitigating the Harm of Recommender Systems Read one or more of the articles below and consider how to counter the radicalizing effects of recommender systems or ways to prevent algorithmic discriminati...

4445 sym R (77 sym/1 pcs)

Recommender System on Spark


Recommender System on Spark Recommender System on Spark Project Objectives Environment setup. Libraries Load Data Explanation of ALS. ALS using Recommenderlab. ALS using Spark. Calculating and comparing accuracies. Runtime comparison. Conclusion. Shovan Biswas 2020/07/04 Project Objectives The goal of this project is give you practice begi...

3945 sym R (2731 sym/10 pcs) 2 tbl

Time Series Decomposition


Time Series Decomposition Time Series Decomposition Libraries Exercise 6.2 Exercise 6.3 Shovan Biswas 2020/9/20 Libraries library(tidyverse) library(knitr) library(kableExtra) library(fpp2) library(gridExtra) library(seasonal) library(readxl) library(forcats) Exercise 6.2 The plastics data set consists of the monthly sales (in thous...

2534 sym R (2080 sym/13 pcs) 8 img

Data Pre-processing


Data Pre-processing Data Pre-processing Libraries Exercise 3.1 Exercise 3.2 Shovan Biswas 2020/9/26 Libraries library(tidyverse) library(kableExtra) library(corrplot) library(reshape2) library(caret) library(Amelia) library(dlookr) Exercise 3.1 The UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository6 contains a data set related to glass identifica...

7502 sym R (7379 sym/35 pcs) 8 img

Arima Models


Arima Models Arima Models Libraries Exercise 8.1 Exercise 8.2 Exercise 8.3 Exercise 8.5 Exercise 8.6 Exercise 8.7 Shovan Biswas 2020/10/18 Libraries library(tidyverse) library(kableExtra) library(corrplot) library(reshape2) library(caret) library(Amelia) library(dlookr) library(fpp2) library(plotly) library(gridExtra) library(read...

10406 sym R (6036 sym/65 pcs) 25 img

Final Project


Final Project Final Project Project 2 Description Libraries Reading datasets. Data Exploration of StudentData.csv. Data Preparation of StudentData.csv. More Data Exploration of StudentData.csv. Boxplots Histograms Categorical variables Correlations Data Exploration of StudentEvaluation.csv. Data Preparation of StudentEvaluation.csv. More Data...

14423 sym R (44605 sym/144 pcs) 28 img

Nonlinear Regression Models


Nonlinear Regression Models Nonlinear Regression Models Libraries Exercise 7.2 Answer: Summary Conclusion Exercise 7.5 Answer: (a)Which nonlinear regression model gives the optimal resampling and test set performance? Summary Conclusion PLS_MODEL Shovan Biswas 2020/10/30 Libraries library(tidyverse) library(kableExtra) library(corrplot) ...

4476 sym R (28375 sym/78 pcs) 5 img

Regression Tree and Rule Based Models


Regression Tree and Rule Based Models Regression Tree and Rule Based Models Libraries Exercise 8.1 Exercise 8.2 Exercise 8.3 Exercise 8.7 Below portion was brought forward from 7.5: Shovan Biswas 2020/11/21 Libraries library(tidyverse) library(kableExtra) library(corrplot) library(reshape2) library(Amelia) library(dlookr) library(fpp2...

7730 sym R (27360 sym/44 pcs) 2 img

Final Project


Final Project Final Project OVERVIEW EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS Structure of the data !!!! Please, check the values of yes in the response. var and change if condition of resp.asthma2$taget !!!! above are different. Remove “Break” in the chunk below! Shovon Biswas 2020/12/10 OVERVIEW The self-management of asthma helps improve patients�...

12366 sym R (64677 sym/50 pcs) 24 img