Publications by Roel M. Hogervorst

Creating One Unified Calendar of all Data Science Events in the Netherlands


I enjoy learning new things about machine learning, and I enjoy meeting like minded people too. That is why I go to meetups and conferences. But not everyone I meet becomes a member of every group. So I keep sending my coworkers new events that I hear about here in the Netherlands. And it is easy to overlook a new event that comes in over email. ...

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WTF is Kubernetes and Should I Care as R User?


I’m going to give you a high overview of kubernetes and how you can make your R work shine in kubernetes. Are you, an R-user in a company that uses kubernetes? building R applications (models that do predictions, shiny applications, APIs)? curious about this whole kubernetes thing that your coworkers are talking about? somewhat afraid? Then I...

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Don’t Panic! a Scientific Approach to Debugging Production Failure


Your production system just broke down. What should you do now? Can you imagine your shiny application / flask app, or your API service breaking down? As a beginning programmer, or operations (or devops) person it can be overwhelming to deal with logs, messages, metrics and other possible relevant information that is coming at you at such a point...

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Portioning projects


Often we write programs to automate things. The programs range from simple to complex. But in essence, you always do the same thing: You are trying to solve a problem. A common pitfall, at least for me, is that you start out to big. What you need to do is start simple and small, and only if your simple thing works, increase the complexity. Separa...

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From spss to R, part 1


Introduction This whole blog is devoted to R and clean coding in R. But what if you want to start with R? There are millions of websites devoted to learning R. just look at the number of hits on a certain search machine. Most of these hits start with the basics and slowly work your way up to more advanced examples. There is often one reason to...

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From spss to R, part 2


Introduction In this lesson we will open a .sav file in Rstudio and manipulate the data.frame. We will select parts of the file and create some simple overviews. First time with R? No problem, see lesson 1 ( “From spss to R, part 1”) Introduction ...

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Tidying your data


Introduction To make analyses work we often need to change the way files look. Sometimes information is recorded in a way that was very efficient for input but not workable for your analyses. In other words, the data is messy and we need to make it tidy. Tidy data means 1: Each variable forms a column. Each observation forms a row. Each type of ...

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Version control with Git


Keeping track of versions You work on a project and would like to keep track of what you did. That is why keep old versions of your files. That way you can go back if you messed up beyond recognition. Usually that looks like this: Or you use dropbox or something like it: Other people use email. Emailing to themselves or to collaborators when ...

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From spss to R, part 3


In this post we will start with a build-in dataset and some basic ggplot graphics. In the next post we will combine dplyr and ggplot to do awesome stuff with the Dutch University student counts from the previous lessons. We will work with the build-in dataset mtcars. There are many datasets in r library(help = "datasets") but in many examples onl...

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Creating a package for your data set


Turning your dataset into a package is very useful for reproducable research. This tutorial is for you, even if you’ve never created a package in r. Why would you turn your dataset into a package? very easy to share easy to load (library(name) is easier then load("path/to/file") or data<-read.csv("path/to/file") etc.) documentation is part of ...

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