Publications by Roel M. Hogervorst
Deploy to from Github Actions
Last week I spend a few hours figuring out how to auto deploy a shiny app on 2 apps on from github. You can see the result on this github repository. This github repository is connected to two shiny apps on Here is what I envisioned, every new commit to the main branch will be published to the main app. We could then l...
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Tidymodels on UbiOps
I’ve been working with UbiOps lately, a service that runs your data science models as a service. They have recently started supporting R next to python! So let’s see if we can deploy a tidymodels model to UbiOps! I am not going to tell you a lot about UbiOps, that is for another post. I presume you know what it is, you know what tidymodels me...
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Reasons to Use Tidymodels
I was listening to episode 135 of ‘Not so standard deviations’ – Moderate confidence The hosts, Hilary and Roger talked about when to use tidymodels packages and when not. Here are my 2 cents for when I think it makes sense to use these packages and when not: When not you are always using GLM models. (they are very flexible!) it makes no ...
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Walkthrough UbiOps and Tidymodels
In this walkthrough I modified a tutorial from the UbiOps cookbook ‘Python Scikit learn and UbiOps’, but I replaced everything python with R. So in stead of scikitlearn I’m using {tidymodels}, and where python uses a requirement.txt, I will use {renv}. So in a way I’m going from python cookbook to {recipes} in R! Components of the pipeli...
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UseR2021: Integrating R into Production
This year’s useR was completely online, and I watched many of the talks. I believe the videos will be public in the future but there were some talks that I wanted to highlight. I think that the biggest problem with machine learning- (or even data-) projects is the integration with existing systems. Many machine learning products are batch or re...
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Distributing data science products
Where or what is production? What does it mean when someone says to bring some data science product ‘in production’ ? What does it mean for data science products to be in production? Is your product already in production? Is it a magical place? I think two questions are of importance: does my ‘thing’ provide value? is my work repeatable?...
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Should I Move to a Database?
Long ago at a real-life meetup (remember those?), I received a t-shirt which said: “biggeR than R”. I think it was by microsoft, who develop a special version of R with automatic parallel work. Anyways, I was thinking about bigness (is that a word? it is now!) of your data. Is your data becoming to big? big data stupid gif Your dataset beco...
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