Publications by R by R(yo)
76th Tokyo.R Users Meetup Roundup!
The 76th Tokyo R User Meetup happened on March 2nd, graciously hosted by DeNA (an entertainment and e-commerce company) in their lovely headquarters located in Shibuya. (Photo courtesy of Takashi Minoda) On this day another R User Meetup was also happening up in Sapporo, Hokkaido. You can check them out here. Although this was the second Tokyo....
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77th Tokyo.R Users Meetup Roundup!
As the sakura bloomed in Tokyo, another TokyoR User Meetup was held, this time at SONY City! On April 13th useRs from all over Tokyo (and some even from further afield) flocked to Osaki, Tokyo for a special session focused on beginner R users, BeginneRs. We’ve also had several special “themed” sessions in the past like TokyoR #69: Bayesian ...
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Introducing {tvthemes}: ggplot2 palettes and themes from your favorite TV shows!
This blog post will provide an intro to {tvthemes} as well as some lessons learned (codecov, Github badges, creating a hexsticker, usethis::use_*(), unit testing for ggplot2, etc.) and the future direction of the package. What kick-started this idea was my blog post looking at simple TV stats on my current favorite TV show, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I ...
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78th #TokyoR Meetup Roundup!
With the arrival of summer, another TokyoR User Meetup! On May 25th, useRs from all over Tokyo (and some even from further afield – including Kan Nishida of Exploratory, all the way from California!) flocked to Jimbocho, Tokyo for another jam-packed session of R hosted by Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group. Like my previous round up posts (for To...
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Visualizing the Copa América: Historical Records, Squad Profiles, and Player Profiles with xG statistics!
Another summer and another edition of the Copa América! Along with the Africa Cup of Nations, Nations League finals, the Women’s World Cup, Under-21 European Championship AND the Gold Cup this is yet another soccer-filled season after last year’s World Cup and the Asian Cup earlier this year (I also did a blog post on these last two tourname...
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79th #TokyoR Meetup: {tidyr} 1.0.0, RAW image processing, and more!
As the monsoon rains fall, another TokyoR User Meetup! On June 29th, useRs from all over Tokyo flocked to Hanzomon, Tokyo for another jam-packed session of #rstats hosted by Infocom. In line with my previous round up posts: TokyoR #76 TokyoR #77 TokyoR #78 I will be going over around half of all the talks. Hopefully, my efforts will help sprea...
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My useR! 2019 Highlights & Experience: Shiny, R Community, {packages}, and more!
The useR! Conference was held in Toulouse, France and for me this was my second useR! after my first in Brisbane last year. This time around I wanted to write about my experiences and some highlights similar to my post on the RStudio::Conference 2019 & Tidyverse Dev Day earlier this year. This blog post will be divided into 4 sections: Programmin...
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80th #TokyoR Meetup Roundup: Econometrics vs. ML, Python with R, & Translating into Japanese!
Within a typhoon, another TokyoR Meetup! … well not really it turned out to be a false alarm and the weather was a wonderful 30 degrees Celsius with 800% humidity as usual in Tokyo. My gripes with the weather aside this month’s meetup was held at Cresco, an IT management strategy company, in their headquarters in Shinagawa, Tokyo. In line wi...
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Visualizing Soccer with StatsBomb Data and R, Part 1: Simple xG and Pass Partner Plots!
This will be Part 1 of what I hope to be a multi-part series of plotting soccer event-level data with R! This is more of a tutorial blog post rather than a deep analytical piece but I will give some context to the examples to set the scene! I can’t give an exact number of how many parts as I am still getting to grips with this kind of data and ...
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{tvthemes 1.0.0} is on CRAN: Code improvements, Kim Possible, Stannis Baratheon, Hilda palettes/themes, and more!
tvthemes v1.0.0 is finally on CRAN! After a long summer of procrastination, useR Conference, soccer viz, etc. and a couple of back-and-forth submissions with CRAN to fix some issues, as of September 3rd you can finally: install.packages("tvthemes") library(tvthemes) My first CRAN package! If this is your first time coming across {tvthemes} then...
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