Publications by R by R(yo)
Where to live in Japan: XKCD-themed climate plots and maps!
In the past week or so, XKCD graphs of “The most comfortable place to live in ___” have been popping up on the #rstats community on Twitter. Jumping onto this trend (though slightly late), I will do one for Japan, the country where I was born! Some great examples that I’ve seen so far include Maëlle Salmon’s blog post for cities in the U...
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Exploring Japan’s Postwar Economic Miracle with gganimate, tweenr, & highcharter!
In this blog post I weave in gganimate, tweenr, and highcharter plots while exploring the American policies that aided Japan’s postwar economic miracle! Back in college, I wrote a paper on this subject for my United States Economic History class. We were supposed to include a few tables and graphs in our paper and, as this was a year before I l...
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My first R package building experience: Reflections from creating bulletchartr!
I haven’t been able to make a blog post in a while (my blog post on cherry blossoms earlier this month was more of a big update)! Since my last post I: moved back to Tokyo, went to the RStudio Conference in San Diego, AND started my data analyst/viz internship at ACDI/VOCA! As part of my internship, I was tasked with creating a package for visu...
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Visualize the World Cup with R! Part 1: Recreating Goals with ggsoccer and ggplot2
After posting a couple of my World Cup viz on Twitter, I thought I’ll collate some of them into a blog post. This will be Part 1 of a series as the World Cup goes on and I keep improving my viz skills throughout the tournament. I will also explain how I made improvements in each new plot, practice makes perfect! Let’s look at some of the pack...
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Animating the Goals of the World Cup: Comparing the old vs. new gganimate and tweenr API!
Welcome to Part 3 of my series on “Visualizing the World Cup with R”! This is the culmination of this mini project that I’ve been working on throughout the World Cup. In addition, from having listened to Thomas Pedersen’s excellent keynote at UseR! 2018 in Brisbane on the NEW gganimate and tweenr API, I am taking advantage of the fortuito...
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Visualizing the Weather in Japan: A Sweltering Summer Story!
I’ve lived in a couple of countries where talking (or more typically whinging) about the weather is a national past time so I took things one step further, by making a blog post about it! The past few months we’ve had an absolute hell of a summer here in Tokyo. It wasn’t just hot, it was extremely humid too making things doubly worse! As so...
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The JapanR Conference 2018 Round-Up!
This past weekend was the 9th JapanR Conference hosted at LINE Corporation in Tokyo, Japan! I’ve been back in Japan for nearly a year now and I’ve been going to nearly every one of the R user meetups here, TokyoR, and it’s been a great experience to learn about R and its wide variety of uses by Japanese practitioners and academics. Besides ...
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Visualizing the Asian Cup with R!
Another year, another big soccer/football tournament! This time it’s the top international competition in Asia, the Asian Cup hosted in the U.A.E. In this blog post I’ll be covering (responsible) web-scraping, data wrangling (tidyverse FTW!), and of course, data visualization with ggplot2. Let’s get started! Packages pacman::p_load(tidyvers...
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My #TidyverseDevDay and #RStudioConf 2019 Reflections!
This was my second RStudio Conference following last year’s edition in San Diego! In addition, at Tidyverse Developer Day I got a really cool chance to work on issues and contribute to making the Tidyverse better. This post won’t be a complete overview of the talks at the conference (others have already released some good blog posts on that n...
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Visualizing Brooklyn Nine-Nine with R!
“Hey there criminal. It’s me, Johnny Law!” – Jake Peralta, NYPD. Brooklyn Nine-Nine has become one of my favorite sitcoms in recent years, probably taking over from Parks & Recreation and Community. So in this blog post, I’m going to web scrape some very simple TV statistics, clean it up with the tidyverse, and visualize it with ggplot...
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