Publications by QuestionFlow

How to Scrape Pdf and Rmd to Get Inspiration


The story of QuestionFlow origins. Prologue This post is a story about how I came up with an idea of QuestionFlow name by performing text analysis. Beware of a lot of code. Introduction My name is Evgeni and I am a mathematician with strong passion for data analysis and R. The first experience in the field came to me in the early 2013...

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Highlight the Pipe. Highlight.js


Practical advices about customizing code highlighting on web pages with highlight.js. Prologue While creating this site I had to encounter the topic of highlighting code on web pages. I decided to do that with the help of highlight.js functionality. After picking a style with R in mind, I arrived to the following question: is there an ...

6372 sym R (4479 sym/9 pcs)

Highlight the Pipe. Pkgdown


Practical advices about customizing code highlighting on web pages created with pkgdown. Prologue It felt really nice to achieve custom code highlighting on this site with highlight.js (see this post). After that, I found myself working with pkgdown, one of many great Hadley’s packages. It is “designed to make it quick and easy to ...

5843 sym R (24 sym/1 pcs)

Mythical Generic Overhead


Computational overhead analysis of using generic+method approach instead of if-else sequence and switch statement. Prologue Earlier this week I came across this tweet from Thomas (author of many useful and powerful R packages): Should If else blocks that checks class always be converted to generic+methods? Please discuss #rstats— Tho...

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Store Data About Rows


Introduction to keyholder package. Tools for keeping track of information about rows. Prologue During development of my other R package (ruler), I encountered the following problem: how to track rows of data frame after application of some user defined function? It is assumed that this function takes data frame as input, subsets it (wi...

4059 sym R (5796 sym/14 pcs)

Rule Your Data with Tidy Validation Reports. Design


The story about design of ruler package: dplyr-style exploration and validation of data frame like objects. Prologue Some time ago I had a task to write data validation code. As for most R practitioners, this led to exploration of present solutions. I was looking for a package with the following features: Relatively small amount of ti...

15837 sym R (7765 sym/7 pcs)

Usage of ruler package


Usage examples of ruler package: dplyr-style exploration and validation of data frame like objects. Prologue My previous post tells a story about design of my ruler package, which presents tools for “… creating data validation pipelines and tidy reports”. This package offers a framework for exploring and validating data frame lik...

8717 sym R (11143 sym/19 pcs)

Combined outlier detection with dplyr and ruler


Overview of simple outlier detection methods with their combination using dplyr and ruler packages. Prologue During the process of data analysis one of the most crucial steps is to identify and account for outliers, observations that have essentially different nature than most other observations. Their presence can lead to untrustworth...

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Tao of Tidygraph


Analysis of one interesting alliance graph within tidy network analysis framework. Prologue Quite some time ago I read the fantastic “Tao Te Programming” book by Patrick Burns. You can know this author from his everlasting work “The R Inferno”. “Tao Te Programming” is a vision about what a good programming should be. It is ...

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Tao of Tidygraph


Analysis of one interesting alliance graph within tidy network analysis framework. Prologue Quite some time ago I read the fantastic “Tao Te Programming” book by Patrick Burns. You can know this author from his everlasting work “The R Inferno”. “Tao Te Programming” is a vision about what a good programming should be. It is ...

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